◍ Chapter 13 ◍

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I am about to press the doorbell but I hold back myself.

"Is this the right thing to do?" I muttered to myself while staring intently at the white tulips I am currently holding.

Since I will be apologizing, I decided to choose white tulips now. I'll just buy pink tulips next time since it's pretty just like her.

Anyway, I breathe deeply and slowly exhale to calm myself and build courage.

"Whatever happens, happens!" I said, and at last I rang the doorbell.

As I stand waiting for the door to open, my heart begins to race.

I'm getting nervous right now.

I started to panic as soon as I heard the doorknob twist.

I make the flowers covered in my face so she will not see my face right away.

Yuna didn't speak, so I decided to speak up and break the silence.

Slowly removing the flowers and exposing my face, I stammered in greeting. "H-hi,"

The first thing I saw was her eyebrows scrunch together, her foreheads crease.

How adorable.

"W-why ar-"

I gave the white tulips a "here." Since I knew what she would ask, I did not let her finish.

"A peace offering,"  I said and give her a lopsided smile.

As soon as she accepted it, I exhaled a breath of relief.

She was busy stroking her fingers at the flowers as she eyed them, so I pretended to cough to get her attention.

"I know this isn't enough to ask for your forgiveness but can you forgive me now? I swear I will behave myself." I genuinely said, pleasing her forgiveness.

"I know, I'm rushing things but please forgive me now and I'll keep what I said..." I added.

Putting my palms together, I begged for her forgiveness. "I will be good."

Yuna just stares at me for a second, I can't read her, she's showing nothing.

And my hope falls, I know this will happen. She is not easily forgiven.

I look down in embarrassment. I should never rush things like the way I am doing them. So fucked up right now... The hell I'm thinking, forcing someone to forgive me.

"So eager for forgiveness?"

I heard Yuna laugh softly after she finished speaking. Her laugh caught me off guard, and I found myself staring at her for a considerable amount of time.

I begin to notice her current appearance. She has her hair in a messy bun, her specs on, an apron covered in paint, and is dressed simply in a gray sweatpants and a white v-neck shirt.

"You like what you see?"

"Kinda" I answered and give her a little grin.

My heart continues to beat rapidly. My heart felt like it was going to burst.

Things start kicking in my mind.

I don't wanna just ran away from her forever because of those stupid things I have done. I wanna make all the things tying Yuna and I be right.

I want us to be right for each other.

Following my mom said.

I want this thing to be right.

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