◍ Chapter 15 ◍

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Yeji was excitedly waving her hands as she ran towards me, and I could see Lia and Yuna following behind.

Yuna is with them? It did a little curve even though I bit my bottom lip to keep from smiling.

"Hi, what is going on?" As soon as they were in front of me, I asked Yeji, but my eyes were fixed on Yuna, who seemed a little strange. Her shoulder was slouched slightly, and she was staring at the ground.

I flinched in surprise as Yeji held me by the shoulder and even shook me, beaming with excitement.

"What are you doing?" I asked looking puzzled.

"Have you not seen our exam results? You ranked 8! Oh my! You worked really well!" Yeji exclaimed happily while doing the little jump like a kid.

"Excellent work, Ryu!" Lia gave me a thumbs up and complimented me.


"I told you, sweetie. She's smart but lazy." Yeji commented that made me soft laugh.

While Yejisu continued to talk about how lazy I was in my study, I walked up to Yuna and fixed her with a look.

She greeted me cold, saying only "Congrats."

"T-thanks.." I said back and give her a confused look.
I understand she is a shy, cold person, but there seems to be a problem with her. I wanted to ask her what was wrong, but Yuna seemed unwilling to talk about it as she turned her head away and moved away from me.

We made the decision to split up and head to our separate rooms.

As soon as Yeji and I arrived in our room. In addition, Chaeryeong congratulated me and promised to get me a gift.

Half of the day's lesson discussion went well, but I was unable to concentrate because I could not stop thinking about Yuna.

After our professor dismissed us, we all got ready to leave for lunch outside.

"Let us head out to lunch. I'm feeling famished" Chaeryeong said and starts pulling me outside the room.

"I'm craving Chinese food, let's go eat lunch outside, I'll invite Lia," Yeji spoke and immediately messaged Lia.

"Tell her to invite Yuna too"

Yeji stares at me with tease- looked then slowly nodded. "Okay,"

We all get into Yeji's car to go to a Chinese Restaurant nearby and after just some minutes of driving, we arrived.

I let Chaeryeong order for me since I'm busy playing games on my phone to kill my boredom... You know just a mini cooking game.

As we waiting for the order. Lia finally arrived but no Yuna.

"Sorry guys, Yuna can't come here, she'll have lunch with her family. Lia spoke as she sit beside Yeji.

I get a little sad knowing she won't be here but I just shrug it off. I'll go to her after dismissal later so I can talk to her.

We return to University after lunch, where we first accompany Lia into her room before going to our own.

Despite having just finished our exams, our afternoon was extremely hectic because we completed a lot of activities and even some unexpected tests.

Good thing, classes were done and we can go home so I packed all my stuff and hang my bag into my shoulder.

I tapped Yeji and Chaeryeong's shoulders to get their attention.

"Hey guys, I have to go somewhere, so I will go first. Bye! take care!" I hugged them and said my goodbyes before rushing to Yuna's room.

I hope she was still there.

As I arrived outside their room, the room was already empty.


I starts walking away with dismay and heavy feelings, this unexplainable feeling towards her, ever since I saw her cry. I promised myself. I'll do everything that will make her happy.

I don't understand myself, why do I feel so unhappy seeing her like that? I want to comfort her so badly right now.

While I'm walking through the hallway, I've see two people facing each other in the distance as I'm getting near, the more I recognized them.

I stopped on my track and my heart sank in dept of pain, seeing Kai and Yuna embraced...

They started to walk away, holding hands and enjoying a pleasant conversation, all without realizing that I was there.

I watched them as my heart began to break apart, not daring to turn away. It hurt me a lot.

I thought I'm getting closer to her, I thought, just a little push, I could finally say my feelings to her and I fucking thought, there will be a chance?

My lips trembled as I gripped the clothing above my chest, unable to control my emotions. I was crying uncontrollably. I covered my face as the tears came out of my eyes.

It hurts so bad.

I felt hands encircle me and recognized the smell; I remained motionless and the tears kept coming.

"Yeji it hurts..." I said sobbing and hugged her.

She comforted me by gently patting my back and saying, "We know."

I cried everything to Yeji.

I also noticed Chaeryeong. She was standing next to us, observing us, and looking very close to tears when she joined and gave us both an embrace.

My Favorite Enemy /2shin•Ryuna/जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें