◍Chapter 32◍

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The surroundings are already dark, all of my classes have ended, and I am on my way to the parking lot.

Ryujin and I are still not talking. I tried approaching her once, but she was always somewhere, and I have heard rumors that she is always with Somi and they're seeing each other now. I am not sure if it is true, but I will not believe it unless I see it with my own eyes.

And I could not believe it because I just did.

I fixed my gaze on them as they walked together towards Ryujin's sport bike.

Is she going to give her a ride?

My heart shattered into pieces as I saw her put a helmet on Somi and even check.

I leaned against the pillars to support my weight because my knees were weakened, crossed my arms, and gazed intently at them. I despise this feeling that is developing within me. I have no right to this. I hate to admit it, but I am extremely jealous right now.

That should be me!

As I watched them leave, I gritted my teeth and became angry.

They are no longer in my sight, but I am still not moving. Why do I have to witness this?

I exhaled and went inside my car.

After all the hours of mourning in jealousy and doing all my night routine I'm ready to go on my bed. I should sleep it off and hope that tomorrow will be fine. After all, it is already midnight.

I wonder what they are doing right now.

Aishhh. Why am I thinking this again? They are probably having a good time right now because Somi is a cheerful and entertaining girl. Totally the opposite of me. They are alike, so they will get along better than Ryujin and I.

But I can do better!

I should better sleep this...


And now I am in the living room, wide awake, blasting music to distract my broken heart and eating ice cream to feed my broken soul.

Then you left without even saying that you're leaving
I was hurt and it really won't be easy to forget yesterday
And I pray that you would stay
But then you're gone and, oh, so far away

After what happened in the car, I deeply regret it. I should have told her how much I loved her instead of spitting out that I was afraid to be involved with her because of how others felt. I should have... I should have cared about her feelings.

And look how foolishly I am acting right now.

I was afraid this time would come
I wasn't prepared to face this kind of hurting from within
I have learned to live my life beside you

I even know all of this will happen but still I wasn't prepared. It hurts so bad seeing them together.

Maybe I'll just dream of you tonight
And if into my dream you come and touch me once again
I'll just keep on dreaming
'Til my heartaches end

How can I dream of her tonight when I can't sleep because of the flood of thoughts about them together that are flowing through my mind?

The thought that I should be the one with her right now not her really slaps me real hard of the reality how stupid I am.

Yeji is right.


With a sleepy eyes and tired body, I still manage to attend my morning classes, there's a time I dozed off but I didn't mind.

It is actually our lunch break, but instead of going to the cafeteria, I take myself to my car to rest there for a while.

I had just gotten into the driver's seat and opened the air conditioner when the passenger side door unexpectedly opened, and my jaw dropped with wide eyes as I noticed Ryujin occupied it.

Am I hallucinating due to lack of sleep?


My heart pounded so hard when I heard her call my name. I'm not hallucinating, she's really here...

I pressed my lips together and gazed intently at her. I can not believe she is actually here with me. I really missed her...

I felt her warmed arm reach for my cheek and swipe away the tears that had fallen. I could not control my emotions... My heart is so happy right now, seeing her beside me.

She gave me that worried look she used to give me when she knew I was not doing well. "I noticed you walking towards here, looking pale. Are you alright?"

I didn't answer her instead I pulled her closer to me and embraced her and buried my face to her neck. I let my heart cry out to her.

"Shhhhh, alright. I'm sorry, Yuna." She softly whispers to me.

I cried even more and hugged her tighter... Why she's apologizing? I should be the one doing that.

"Stop crying. Why are you crying?" She asks, making a distance between us and looked straight to my eyes.

Her cold stares were finally gone, and she was back to giving me those warmed and lovely stares she used to give me.

We are just staring at each other now. I know she's waiting for me to speak but I couldn't utter even a single word.

I am afraid of saying something that will hurt and upset her again.

"I am sorry for how I treated you over the last few days. I was so blinded by my disappointment. I know I should not have reacted that way because you were simply being honest with yourself."

Her sincerity in her words made me question whether I am worthy of being hers.

"I missed you, Yuna."

"I-I..." I pressed my lips together and looked at her straight to her eyes.

I am not very good at expressing my feelings, so I guess this is the best way to tell her how much I missed her.

I gently played my fingers against her nape and caressed it, causing her to slowly close the gap between us.

Finally, her lips touched mine for a magical few seconds in my life.

I was the first to pull away from our kiss, and Ryujin tried to capture my lips again, wanting more, but I covered her lips. 

I try to avoid looking at her because it makes me give in and allow her to kiss me once more.

She removed my hand covering her mouth. "After class, can I go to you condo?"

I squinted my eyes to her and asks, "Why would you go there?"

Ryujin gave a playful smirk and tucked my hair behind my ear. "I honestly missed you so much, and these past few days, I could not sleep properly because of you, so I believe I needed to be with you so I could finally sleep in peace, you know?"

I noticed something in her stares, and I know it is more dangerous than the ones she gives me when she is upset.

Those mischievous stares made me feel both nervous and excited. 

"And you know, according to scientists, cuddling in bed reduces tension and worry by causing the release of oxytocin, also known as the "love hormone," which can help with calmness, relaxation, and happiness."

I gave a soft chuckle because she was being a dork around me...

I love it when she's like this.

I pinched her cheeks and nodded, "Alright, you can crash on my place tonight."

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