◍ Chapter 27 ◍

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We did not talk last night because she was so deep asleep that I did not want to wake her. She must get very tired going here.

I get up myself and went straight to the kitchen and I found Yuna who's busy cooking something. She had not noticed my presence, so I was able to stare at her a little longer.

She wore a sexy solid satin nightgown that made her sex appeal ooze just standing there. Her hair was tied in a messy bun, exposing her nape.

And her... I stop myself checking her out, averting my gaze because the longer I stared at her, the more I struggled to stop myself from approaching her.

Each day, the more I become more sinner because of her.

"Oh, good morning." I heard Yuna greeted...

"Morning" I greeted back and went straight to the coffee maker.

"Cold" I heard her mumble.

"No, I'm hot."

Yuna looked at me, surprised, and blinked her eyes to compose herself.

"Stop lying, you ain't."

I just laughed and helped her preparing the foods.

"Yuna, why did not you invite the others?" I said, breaking the silence.

"I did, but they did not want to go with us."

"I see."

After that brief conversation, we begin eating breakfast in silence. I wanted to discuss the matter with her, but based on her appearance, she is not in the mood. Maybe I should lift her spirits first and then discuss it?

Right? I know she wants to talk about it too.


I manage to get her attention.

I smiled when I noticed chocolate syrup in her corner lips. She was eating pancake.

Yuna became startled when I cupped her right cheek...

"Chocolate syrup." I explained and gently wiped it for her.

We made eye contact for a second before I let go of her face.

"Thank you," she responded.

I smiled, "No worries." I replied and licked my thumb, which I had used to wipe away the syrup.



"Why you're so unhygienic? It's gross. Stop doing that."

I burst out laughing at her. "Right, I'm sorry. It's just that, it looks tasty can't help it."

Yuna simply let out a sigh and resumed her meal. After that, we cleaned the kitchen and went to our respective rooms.

"AISHHHH, She invited me here, and now she will just lock herself in her room?!" I complained to myself and opened the curtain, allowing the light into my room.

I heard my phone buzzed that is on the bed side table. Even though I do not look at it, I still know who that is.

The phone keep buzzing but still I'm not picking it up. This is infuriating, why would she invite me and then do nothing together? I'm getting bored. I wanna go home.

I heard a knocked on the door.

"Come in" I yelled and I saw her went inside. I get a little surprised when she wearing a robe.

I turned away my gazed.

"What do you want?" I speak slightly annoyed, and turned in bed, lying on my stomach.

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