◍ Chapter 12 ◍

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"Another day, another drama," I said as I stretched my arms widely then get up on my bed and fixed. I did not get enough sleep last night because I was thinking too much about the choice I made the day before.

Today is a Saturday, and I just want to spend the day studying at home. There is nothing else I need to do.

As I am occupied tidying my room and getting ready for a bath. Suddenly, my phone rang.

I picked it up from my bedside table and I see Chaeryeong's name flashing in my phone calling me.

I answered it.

["Ryujin, could you come with me to the mall?"]

"Sorry, I gonna study for our upcoming exams and I think you should too."

["Are I hearing this correctly, now? Are you studying? Are you sick or something? Damn, Ryujin! What sudden change of heart? I see, you are taking your studies seriously."]

"Shut up Chaery! I want to be good now and I am thinking about the future, that is why I am doing this, okay? Goodbye, I am not free because I have a lot of work to do." I longly said and was about to drop the call but I hear Chaeryeong panicky speak.

["Hold on, do not end the call!"]

"What is it?" I said as I sit in the corner of my bed.

["I'm with Yuna. Are you sure you don't wanna come?"]

I heard a little hint of teasing in her voice.

I laid myself on the bed and stares at the ceiling. My heart and mind fighting, I wanna go that's what my heart says but my mind says the opposite.

Yet I decided to follow my mind since I know it was the best thing to do.

"No, I am going to study, Take care Chaery." I said that last thing before abruptly ending the call.

I sighed and gently threw my phone to my sides. It must be fun to hang out with them. Of course, Yuna is there.

Suddenly, the crying face of Yuna appears up in my mind.

Remembering how screwed up she was yesterday made my heart hurt. How she cried yesterday.

And that's stopped my urge to go in the mall with them but how long can I hold myself back from not seeing her?

Just as I was getting lost in my thoughts, there was a loud knock on my door.

"Come in" I yelled softly and I opened the door, it was my mom handling a tray with toast bread, and a glass of milk.

"I brought this because it is getting late for breakfast."

"Thanks, Mom" I answered and I reached for the tray. My mom went inside my room and I didn't mind it and she sat on my bed.

"Chaeryeong texted me, she is inviting you to the mall with your friends, why you didn't go?"

I sat on the chair after setting my breakfast on the table. Mom is good at observing, so I avoided looking at her. She will know I have a slight problem.

"We have upcoming exams so..." I said and starts munching the toasted bread.

"Is there something wrong?" Mom asks me.

I turned to face her now, pouting. "Mom I'm fine okay? I just don't wanna go out. "

"Well, your friends have asked me to see how you are doing."

I chuckled and went to Mom to hug her and she welcome me with a warm hug. "They are overacting because I am going to study, but I am okay."

"You sure you don't have a problem? Money? Are you being harassed by someone? Hmm, heartbreak? I'm here, okay?" Mom said, stroking my back, softly.

And it makes me tell what I'm dealing with.

"I like someone else and I made her cry."

"So you have to give an apology."

"She doesn't want me to be around."

Mom removed her embrace at me and she hold me in my shoulder. "Did she really mean it?"

"Yes, the last time we talked she was so mad at me and plead with me to stop seeing her."

"But have you made an effort to apologize to her?"

I shake my head.

"All you need to do is apologize and put things right, Ryujin. As easy as that.

I gave a deep breath out. "It's complicated Mom. After what I've done? Where can I find shame about confronting her?"

"If you do not take action, nothing will change. As time passes, it will get worse."

Mom gives me a head pat and gets up, so I know she is going to leave. "I have been there, done that, so trust me, my daughter."

"Mommy, I have no idea what to do." I honestly said was on the verge of crying.

"Just do what you already know to do-just follow this." Mom said as she pointed to where my heart is.

Smiled at me. "And now is the time to use this if things did not work out." She added as she pointed to my head, implying about the mind.

"You are mature enough to make your own decisions." After saying one last time, Mom kissed the top of my head and eventually left my room.

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