Chapter 15

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Mount Yellia is known as one of the most dangerous mountains in the entire continent.

The icy air whistles around Edel's ears, causing his skin to tingle and sting. Fingers and toes are numb, but it's a good feeling. 

The urge to make a snowball is all consuming and he has to restrain himself from lying down on the ground and making a snow angel. Every step he takes leaves a fresh, crisp footprint in the snow as if he's the only person to have ever been here. 

Snowflakes fall gently from the sky, tickling the end of his nose and tempting him to stick out his tongue and have a taste.

The branches of the trees bow with the heavy load they are carrying, bending towards the floor. It makes him think, that if only they could shake themselves like a dog covered in water does; they would be free. Everything glistens as if a Goddess has sprinkled her dust over the entire world. Colors are brighter against the pure white blanket that spreads as far as the eye can see.

"When you keep silent, you are free."

The only sound comes from his breathing. The rest is silence. White noise.

Edel had always stared longingly out the window when snowed in the Roan Kingdom.

Winter is clean, crisp then cold, even a little unusually warm at certain times, winter is gray but still has the sunshine, clean with its snow, crisp and cold air. 

But to the Edel from the past, this season had always been dark, cloudy, frigid, and seemingly devoid of any life. Just like an evil mistress.

Winter is warmth, every creature hidden inside, family forced together. Yet it never was for his family. 

Winter is cozy, but isolation for someone like him. Winter is hot drinks, soups. Winter is wearing layers to keep warm, great styles. But despite this Edel still felt cold.

Winter is... indescribable.


Why was Edel at Mount Yellia? Simple: curiosity.

After traveling for an entire year from city to city, Edel craved a peaceful place where he could meditate on his existence. 

For Eruhaben, Edel's presence was pretty much unwelcomed. Anyway, the golden dragon had no heart to drive this poor human away since he wasn't causing rucks.

This human was weak. Well, every creature was weak against a mighty being like him. After all, dragons were called selfish and egotistical for a reason.

This little human seems to be a mage, not a strong one at that. Surprisingly the decent amount of mana in his body had a strange flow. Physically average save for his pretty face. This boy reminded him of Pendrick. Perhaps his eyes were the answer.

The color of a person's eyes doesn't tell us whether they are kind or cruel, an optimist or a pessimist. 

And Edel's eyes were exactly like that description.

Nevermind. How could he think that the elf and this human shared some traits? His old age is catching up. 

Pendrick is a kind and admirable child. 

But this human is not.



Goldie decided that Edel is sus even before officially meeting him :D

The young lord Stan · ❀ [ON HIATUS]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora