Chapter 23

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"I and lord Eruhaben met just that day, Choi Han-nim. I ended up unexpectedly at Eruhaben-nim's lair's entrance."

"As you know I'm striving for a healer's path, so I stayed there to lessen Dragon-nim's pain due to the old age."

"Is that so? I glad you're not hurt then Edel!" responded the swordmaster excitedly.

Edel chooses to not tell them the truth: it could be burdensome.


Cale's group was currently walking inside the "Path of No Return." Even the rain could not get rid of this odd fog.


The rain was so loud that Cale couldn't even hear On's humming.

Drip. Drip. Drip.

Cale was starting to get annoyed by the rain falling on his raincoat. Beacrox slowly walked up next to Cale.

"It is getting late and the rain is strong. Young master-nim, I think spending the night in the forest would be best."

Cale nodded his head.

"On, let's head back to that cave from last time."

"It's nearby."

Cale saw On was controlling the fog again, so he told the others to follow.

Ron, Choi Han, Beacrox, and Edel all clutched at the raincoats and followed behind Cale. Choi Han walked up next to Cale and asked.

"Are you heading to the cave where you met Queen Litana-nim?"

"Queen Litana? As the queen of the Jungle?"  Edel blinked his eyes: he was quite surprised by the connections that Cale had was none of his business

"Yes, that one."

It was a memorable location where Cale had pretended to be a good and benevolent person. It was a place where he had acted like all sorts of things that he was not.

"I have some good memories in that place."

Edel didn't know why, but he doubted Cale's words.

On must have recalled that memory as well, as she shook her head and continued to control the fog. Maybe it was because everybody was walking quickly, but they soon saw the cave up ahead.

"It's over there! Hmm?"

On, who was pointing toward the cave, suddenly stopped. Ron came up to Cale.

"There seems to be someone in there."

A faint light was coming out of the cave. Someone seemed to already be inside the cave. Cale debated it for a moment before starting to speak.

"It seems like it is too late to go elsewhere. Let's head there for now."

It was annoying to go look for another location. It was raining, it was dark, he was hungry, and he didn't want to walk anymore.

Since there wasn't anywhere else to go, they might as well spend a night with some strangers.

"As you wish, Cale-nim. Thankfully, I do not feel any strong auras in there."

Cale quickly answered after hearing Choi Han's comment.

"Let's go."

They didn't have anything to lose.


"...Young master Cale...there is a person on the verge of death ahead of us."

Ok, now Cale was scared

Drip. Drip.

The rain started to pummel their raincoats harder as they quickly headed to the cave.

The faint light started to get stronger and they could see the entrance of the cave.

Cale was about to walk even faster with that thought in mind when he heard Choi Han's voice.

"...It's a familiar aura."


Cale could see the entrance of the cave as he heard Choi Han's comment.

He could see a small fire that lit up the inside of the cave.

There were two people inside.

"Son of a..."

Cale rubbed his eyes.

"Who- who are you?"

One of the people inside asked in a shaking voice.

"...Jack-nim?" said Edel with a jaw-dropping face

A weak and innocent-looking man was looking at Cale and the others. Not only were the man's eyes pure, but they seemed to be teary as well, making him look very pitiful.

"!!!" The weak man turned his gaze toward the blonde and

"Edel-nim! *Sooob* Is that you??"

Meanwhile, two blondies were having a heartwarming reunion, Cale thought

"Why is she over here?"

A blonde woman was lying on the ground next to the innocent-looking blonde man.

He had seen her before.

The blonde sword master.

The person from the secret organization who had killed the blood-crazy mage, Redika.

That woman was dyed black in multiple spots on her body and was lying there unconscious.

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