Chapter 24

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A very quiet noise reached Cale's ear.

Choi Han started to take his sword out of the scabbard.

Cale felt like someone had thrown a punch at him.

"What the hell is going on? And how does Edel know about this man?"

At that moment, he made eye contact with Ron.

"What's wrong?"

That was what Ron's gaze seemed to be asking. At that moment, Cale's mind became clear.

"Oh, right. That woman does not know my face."

The blonde sword master did not know Cale's face, or anybody else's face for that matter. She had only seen them with their masks on.


Edel, feeling a threatening aura rising told almost immediately:

"Choi Han-nim please do not scare this friend of mine."

And then Cale put a hand on Choi Han's shoulder.

"Choi Han put your sword away."

"Excuse me? But!"

Cale whispered to Choi Han who asked with confusion.

"Hide your aura."

The woman may feel Choi Han's aura if she wakes up later.

Instead of looking at the confused Choi Han, Cale looked toward the unconscious sword master and the blonde, innocent-looking man next to her.

Cale gently smiled at the man as On meowed in Cale's arms.


She seemed to be saying that this was a repeat of what had happened last time. However, Cale did not care about her opinion right now.

Choi Han said that he did not feel any strong aura inside the cave.

That meant that, unlike the blonde sword master, this man was weak.

"I'm sorry that they scared you, but the Young master and others are not bad people."

Said Edel in a gentle and sincere tone.

Cale took off the hood of his raincoat and started to speak to the blonde man.

"I'm sorry that we scared you," Cale added after Edel's affirmation, in an equally gentle and sweet tone

Choi Han flinched at that tone. However, Ron stepped forward at that moment.

Ron, Beacrox, and On, the three of them did not interact with the enemy during the battle they fought alongside the Whale tribe. That was why they didn't know the face of the blonde sword master.

However, Cale was not worried about what Ron would say.

"I apologize. Our young master-nim's guard is very dedicated to his job."

Ron spoke warmly, fitting his role as a servant masterfully.

Cale made eye contact with Ron and then Beacrox. The father-son duo stealthily nodded their heads at Cale.

"We don't know what is going on, but we will play along for now."

That seemed to be what they were saying.

"How reliable."

Cale suddenly felt like they were very reliable. This was the first time Cale liked this member configuration.



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