Chapter 26

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"Hmm? He seems to have the wrong idea."

Cale realized that this person, whom he suspected to be the Saint, had the wrong idea.

Tap. Tap.

Cale lowered his head after On tapped on his arm to see On looking at him with a gaze that seemed to be asking if they needed to take care of this.

"Don't we need to take care of this?"

"No, not yet."

However, Cale shook his head.

His intuition was telling him to hold on.

Usually in these situations, the side with the wrong idea tended to spew out useful information.

Furthermore, there was something that he needed to figure out.

"Dead mana bombs?"

Was it possible to make bombs with dead mana?

Cale thought that the secret organization may have made such a bomb and needed more information. That was why he did not do anything and just observed the situation.

And Ron was moving exactly as Cale wanted him to.

Ron was smiling gently as he deliberately took another step toward the man.

"I really don't know what you are talking about sir. You seem to have the wrong idea about us."

Ron's action of showing that he was innocent made the man start to shout with a gaze that seemed to be saying he would not be tricked again. His voice sounded like someone who had accepted the fact that they may die soon.

"I'm very sorry, but I think you got all wrong Jack-nim...what happened to the church...why the Empire would throw dead mana bombs on you?"

"Shut up! I trusted you! I will protect Hannah now! How could you do such terrible things in the name of the Empire?"


"The Sun God's mace will not let you off!"

Veins were popping out on his forehead as he continued to shout.

"The Sun will know of our grudge!"

"What the? What is this punk talking about?"

Cale's mind became a bit chaotic. However, the blonde man seemed to have gotten past his fear as he continued to shout without stopping.

Although his face looked innocent, his voice was as loud as a train's horn.

"Although I may just be the half with the healing abilities! I will not stand still-"

Edel had to cut the man off.

"Hold on."

"Ha! I will not stop, even if you try to prevent me from saying any-"

"Hold on!"

The high, gentle but strong voice from Edel made the blonde man shut up for a moment.

Then the red-haired man, annoyed, let out a strong aura. The pressure from the aura made the blonde man freeze up.


It was now quiet in the cave, other than the sound of the rain. Cale could finally start to sort things out in his head. His brain quickly started to process everything.

"The dead mana bomb is a product of the Empire."

And these blondes were currently being chased by the Empire.

"...are you wanted in the Empire?" Asked Edel after trying to calm him down

"Y-yes...Edel-nim, s-she..." the Saint sobbed out again while trying to get the young Stan to help him with whatever the problem was

Cale's gaze headed over to the blonde woman. The blonde man must have noticed this as he hurriedly hugged the woman, but Cale had already verified what he needed to verify.

There was a good chance that the black marks on her body were the result of being exposed to dead mana.

"...This is bad." thought both Cale and Edel

Cale had never expected that the Empire would have developed something like a dead mana bomb. The novel had not discussed such a thing.

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