Chapter 22

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One of the first things we learn about that it always has consequences. There is a cost to this "magic". And eventually, we all must pay. It is not a gift. It is a trade. And often, that trade leads us to dark places. But there are always bright spots.

Being somehow taught this forbidden knowledge has been the biggest bright spot in Edel's life. 

"There is a cost I must pay."

 Sometimes a just a flower. And the best thing it can do for us is die.

The trade began with a contract that has been handed down since ancient times, allowing people to use their own vitality to heal others at the expense of themselves. 

If well developed he will gain the ability to cure any disease and can possess people's bodies to cure diseases.

This caused the contractor's constitution to be weak, and now most of his internal organs are troubled by incurable diseases that no one can cure.

But then the "miracle" happened.

The price that Edel needed to pay was not his vitality or life span, but his memories. Partially. Because he still needs to struggle with his health.

Driven by the greed to survive without pain the young Edel chose to throw away all his memories from birth till his 13th birthday. And eventually, he'll continue to forget things and even unlearn life skills.

The lost records can be recovered, and the price is obviously his vitality.

Why didn't he heal Taylor's legs now you may ask? 

Simply. He forgot his existence.

Until he reappeared in his life, he regained some scattered pieces of memories of his oldest brother.

And then the hell.

3 days of pure physical pain comparable to what he had been trying to avoid for 3 years.

"I still remember it surprisingly. That torment that forced me to stay awake for 3 days without having a shred of strength to eat or drink."

"I felt my heart squeezing so much that maybe it couldn't even pump blood. As well as for the rest of the organs. You know when you're holding a sponge but you're really pissed off

Here: you squeeze it dry from every drop of liquid, and then you tear it apart."

His only thoughts were 

"It hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts it hurts"

"Disappear! Disappear!"

On the third day, when he opened his eyes a bright light dazzled his eyes. While he was putting his pieces back together, looking at the bed he found a white lily.

"Purity and rebirth."

Then a memory resurfaces:

The days and years pass us like the wind. 

Edel's POV---

But the warning before the journey still rings in my ears. 

"Guard your road."

"It's hard for a wanderer to find rest in this world."

A floating, fading flower drifts down. 

"But I still need a pair of eyes..." 

The marvelous field of white lily appears in that lucid dream

"To witness your promise."



If you have any scenes from the story that you really like, you can tell it in the comments, I could try to draw it :D

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