Home At Last

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The massive door revealed a space filled with silks of spider webs behind a fortified glass window. A large, egg-like cocoon can be seen shifting lightly inside. Kurotsuchi crooned, "This is my seventh try. All the other six died out mid-evolution and I had a thought that I needed a specimen that can last. In another word, a specimen that have a strong life force. Only two clans were famous for such strong vitality; the Senju Clan and the Uzumaki Clan,"

Orochimaru stared at the 'egg', mind already drawing conclusion to the madman's story.

Kurotsuchi sighed, "I can't exactly find the Senju Clan. At least not a pure-blooded one that is strong enough to handle what I had planned. And the only one with the thickest blood was, well, who else? Your errant teammate of course! I know exactly where she is and with her ability to control her own cells, she would have been a wonderful choice. Alas, I don't think anything I can throw at her will bring her to me. She's a feisty one! Not to mention, she's an adult. I discovered that adults are harder to adapt to my beautiful creations so...she's out!"

He giggled, "But finding an Uzumaki is also hard, what with them being so scattered after the fall of Uzushio...or they would have been had I not known of one Uzumaki. Best of all, she's with child! Oh what wonderful news! I just need to linger around enough and once she give birth, I took what was rightfully mine! I mean, she may carry the little thing but I had claimed it!"

He waved his hands, "And what do you know?! Rejoice! Not only is the child an Uzumaki but also a child of the celebrated Namikaze! Sure, I don't really care for the Namikaze. He was of civilian origin after all. But the fact that he's also one of the best Shinobi with the finest chakra isn't something that can just be pushed aside! He has a fine gene! The boy is perfect and I was right! Just look at him! He survived merging with a spider's DNA. And not just any spiders! No..." He cackled, "I found the Summon Contract of the Spider Clan during a short adventure in Oni no Kuni. I managed to summon a few and sealed them to stop them from returning to their realm. Of course, my name was strike from the contract as a traitor but I couldn't care less. I already have what I want," He gestured at the cocoon, "This is the result,"

Orochimaru stared at the cocoon. Well, Minato will get his son back. Just not...human. Kurotsuchi dropped to the ground, sedated. In the man's excitement, he had completely forgotten about the snake around his neck...or rather he was under a Genjutsu that made him talk all about his passion while completely forgetting about the snake. Obito appeared with a pale face, "Orochimaru-sama!"

Orochimaru looked at him, "Well, I was right..." He nodded at the unconscious man, "Strip him of naked, check his body for poisons, check his skins for hidden things, seal his chakra, and the seal him in the prisoner scroll,"

Obito nodded, face still pale from repressed fury as he did exactly what Orochimaru ordered. He could feel hatred burning his Sharingan bright but he needed to focus. He'll let the Yamanaka Clan plunder the bastard's mind first, and then...

Orochimaru's waited for Obito to finished what needed to be done before addressing him, "Can you bring this into the Kamui?"

Obito looked at the mess of spider silks, "Is this...?"

Orochimaru nodded, "I believed so. He already said that this...is his masterpiece. He said something about waiting for Lady Kushina to give birth, citing that he had wanted an Uzumaki to...play with,"

Obito looked around for an entrance, "I had sealed his file on...on Naruto inside Kamui. I'll let you figure out how to help him after. He might said that this is his masterpiece but it isn't over. Naruto...Naruto will need you," He found the entrance and opened the door. Using his kunai was futile, the textile was harder than it appeared. Using the most basic of Katon, Ichi, he tried to carefully burn his way towards the cocoon. When that doesn't work either, he wondered how to do this when he realized that he could just phased through with his Kamui.

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