Fire and Lightning and Wind, Oh My!

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Naruto frowned as he listened to the spider that whispered in his ear with their tapping. He looked at Obito, "The spiders at Gato's place shared news that someone name Kurosuki Raiga has been hired by Gato. It also looked like Zabuza knew him. Do you know who that guy is, Obito-sensei?"

Obito looked up from where he was chewing on a jerky, "Raiga? Sure I have heard of him," He finished chewing and swallowed his jerky, "He's the Lightning of Kiri, wielder of the twin blades Kiba, a pair of branching katana that's famous for being so sharp it can cut through anything. If that's who Gato decided to hire, we will need to up out training," He grinned at Naruto, "Thanks for the news. Keep up the reconnaissance,"

Naruto nodded and let the spider on his ear jump onto the nearest leaf. The only reason he could even set up a tiny spy in Gato's home was because Gato's men go around town to harass the weak locals for money that they don't have. Naruto had to 'knock' one man out for targeting a child who looked a little cleaner than others. He didn't know what the man was up to, only that the weak old man was begging him to leave the child alone. From the terrible stench of horror and desperation, Naruto had decided to move because everything in him screamed wrong. So he set a spider with a special paralytic venom to knock the man off.

The old man and young boy didn't thank him, but he could smell that they're glad to be away from whatever bad thing the man was thinking. He had dragged the man to Obito and informed him what he had seen and why he interrupted the man. Hinata looked horrified and Shino's Kikaichu was affected by his silent fury, but Obito's cold face scared Naruto more. He took the man from Naruto and the man was never seen since.

However because Gato's men still walked about the impoverished island, Naruto was able to plant a spider on them to spy for him. His little friends were so tiny that most people don't notice them unless sought after. They're just 0.43mm long after all. Because of this, he received updates from them regularly.

The day after Obito received the news about a new opponent, he decided to introduce them to Elemental Transformation. Showing them a stack of papers, he introduced it, "These are special litmus papers made from a special tree that absorbs and grow from chakra, making it highly reactive to chakra no matter how slight. If you remember from your classes, everyone has an element that they are suitable to but that does not mean that you cannot learn a different elemental transformation. It only means that you will have an easier time learning that certain element outside all the other elements so don't let yourself get down if you don't get your favorite element,"

Naruto asked, "What's your main element, Sensei?"

Obito snorted, "Me? I'm your basic Uchiha!" He chuckled as he gestured for the trio to come closer, "Alright, take a paper each," Once they all have a paper each in their hand, Obito explained, "Now, each elements will make the paper react differently. The papers can only show you one element and that is your strongest affinity. Some people think that if they have two elements that they are suitable with, it will show but that's bullshit. This is chakra, not magic. So, if you are like me, fire, the paper will catch on fire and turn to ash,"

He showed them by running a slight chakra into the slip of paper in his hand, burning them to ashes that blew away with the ocean breeze. He grinned at their awed look and explained, "That's for fire! For lightning users like Bakashi, the paper will crinkle. I know. Boring isn't it? Now for water, the paper will become a wet paper. Still, not as boring a reaction as Bakashi's! For earth, the paper will dry up, turn to dirt and crumble away. Still way cooler than Bakashi!" At this point the Genin wondered if the two were even friends with how often Obito kept trying to burn Kakashi. The man continued, "The coolest reaction by far is the same reaction the Hokage will have when he used a litmus paper; the paper will split and depending on how crisp the split is, it can determine the strength of the user's affinity. That affinity is the wind affinity,"

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