What Is A Girl?

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Naruto pushed his bangs back. He doesn't like it that they always get in the way of his eyes. Sure the one on the back of his head wasn't bothered but the one of the front was definitely bothered! He pouted as he pulled at the golden strands. He knows more words now so he can now voice his discontent!

But Orochimaru (he can say his name properly now) is not in room at the moment. Naruto wondered where he went. He circled the whole ceiling for a moment, thinking. Minato said not to leave the room. Naruto has been picking onto the fact that he's very different from the others. He knew that he once had the same amount of arms and legs like them but that was a long time ago. His abdomen trembled for a moment as he thought about going out either way.

But then...what if going against their words would...make him go back to that bad man? He's...a monster. Jiraiya once told him a story with a monster in it and that was the words that came to mind when he thought about the bad man. A monster. Orochimaru was angry that Jiraiya would tell scary stories the next time he visited because Naruto couldn't sleep that night. Every time he closed his eyes, the bad man would appear and he was the monster.

Orochimaru do the same things the monster did but he's not a monster. Sometimes he would Naruto watch from the ceiling whenever he mix this and that. Once he came back and Naruto smelled blood on him. He avoided Orochimaru until the smell disappeared. Obito sometimes smell like blood too but he would notice that Naruto would be wary of him so he would quickly clean up. Naruto does not like the smell of blood. Blood meant pain and that something bad was going to happen. So he doesn't like the scent of blood.

Even though he knew that Orochimaru and Obito and everyone that came visit him would never hurt him, he still couldn't help but associate blood with bad things.

He hummed, "Minato..."

Second Minato's not here too. Minato like leaving Second Minato with Naruto but today he's missing. Where did everyone go?

Naruto frowned, placing a hand on his chest. Kakashi had modified an old black shirt he owned and had dressed Naruto in it. But Naruto can still feel his heart thumping in his chest. Naruto has two hearts; one his human heart and the other his spider heart. Naruto knew that he has red blood. He learned when Minato read the book with spider pictures that spiders have blue or clear blood because their blood has different structures. Naruto doesn't really get it but he gets that he's closer to a human than a spider because he has red blood.

Orochimaru also said that it's possible to have blood transfusion with Naruto should he need it but he wasn't sure if Naruto can donate his blood. Naruto doesn't know what it means but Minato looked happy that Naruto can do blood transfusion. It seemed like a good thing for him.

Naruto huffed. He doesn't like his heart right now. They feel weird. It made him...unhappy. He blinked and he sniffed. The next thing he knew, tears come out and he's crying. He's not loud but quiet. He bit his lips until he tasted copper. He must not bother them. He can't make a noise. He need to be good. They'll come back if he's good, right? That's how it works, right?

The door opened and Kakashi greeted him, "Naruto? Are you alone right now?" He blinked as he noticed the tears and the bleeding lips, "Oh dear...I'm bad with psychology stuff. The right person is...not here anymore. Damn. Now I'm sad," He approached the spider child and sat under him, looking up at the ceiling where Naruto quietly cry, "Hey...I'm here now. What is it?"

Naruto used his silk to lower himself and Kakashi ignored how creepy that was because he's just so much like those giant spiders that ANBU hunted to train their rookies like this. The boy landed softly and sat beside him, hugging his pedipalps like hugging his knees. He sniffed quietly and asked, "W-where...everyone?"

TsuchigumoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora