After Suna

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By the time Team 8 leaves Suna, something in the village had shifted. Because of what Naruto and Gaara did, Gaara suddenly become famous with the children of Suna. Once Obito settled his business of the Hokage, Gaara can be seen greeted by the rescued children and given gifts of thanks by their relatives. Unfortunately, their parents had died from the attack. Most died in their sleep while a few was found dead after a struggle. Rasa had also personally thanked Naruto for his skill at catching onto the kidnappers. Because of his cooperation with Gaara, Konoha is not suspected for the crime.

Unfortunately, the real identities of the kidnappers have to wait...

Naruto bids Gaara goodbye, "I hope we'll meet again soon!"

Gaara, carrying a fist suckling toddler against his hip in one hand and the other holding onto a little boy crying at seeing Naruto leave, nods with a tiny smile, "Of course, Naruto,"

A little boy calls out to Hinata, "One-chan! Wait for me! When I grow big and strong, I'll marry you!!"

Hinata awkwardly smiles at that, not knowing how to reply. Behind her, Naruto glares with bristling fur, his pedipalps clicking ominously. Obito decides that he better nip this in the bud before it gets troublesome, "Sorry brat! She's a Princess! She don't marry just about anybody! Besides, I'm pretty sure she already have someone!"

The snaps of Naruto's pedipalps as he looks at his Sensei with a gawk causes Obito to internally wince along with Hinata's confused expression, wondering what he is talking about. As for the brat, he pouts and declares, "Then I'll just steal her from the loser!!"

Naruto bristles at the declaration of war and grabs Hinata, putting her on his back and turns to Gaara, "Bye, Gaara!" He then jumps away from the entrance of Suna, giving his usual 100% jumping spider's leap, making him a tiny spot in the horizon within seconds.

Obito yelps after him, "Oi, Naruto! Wait up!"

Shino groans under the growing heat, "Sage have mercy..."

Meanwhile, Hinata is sticking to Naruto's broad back with her chakra, "N-Naruto-kun, we should wait for Sensei and Shino!" Naruto soon stops with her request and settles down, not saying anything. Hinata ponders over this odd behavior of his and asks, "Naruto-kun? Are you alright?"

Naruto shakes his head, "...dunno..."

He really don't. When he heard the boy's proposal, his head goes blank. Then there is this sense of panic when Obito said that Hinata already have someone. He don't know why he grabbed her and run off. He don't understand himself. He looks over his shoulder at Hinata's confused look, " you...are what Sensei said...about...about..."

Hinata blushes before shaking her head, "I don't know why he said t-that!" She presses her hands against her chest, eyes glancing to the lower side corner. She doesn't like lying, especially to Naruto. He's too sweet to be lied to but...she's not ready to face her own feelings. So, in the end she mentally apologizes to him as she said, "T-there is n-no one, Naruto-kun,"

Naruto feels like something heavy had been lifted off of his chest when she tells him that there is no one. His mood instantly brightens as he grins, "Oh! I see! Sorry for bothering you!"

When he turns his head away from her, the two comically let out a sigh of relief in sync. He then hums as he shakes his body to settle down on the sand. Weaving a shade, he stretches the construct over Hinata's head with his legs. Hinata leans against him, letting the desert wind blows through her hair, cool against her skin despite the climbing sun.

After a while, Obito finds them with Shino beside him, "There you are! Naruto! Stop running off on your own! I don't need to find you battling an epic battle with a giant Kaze scorpion!"

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