The 'F' Bomb

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Minato stared at Obito. The Uchiha fidgeted under his scrutiny as the Yondaime Hokage wondered how in the world did a Jounin messed up a D-rank and had to be rescued by his Genin? He looked at the report on his desk. For some reason that perhaps only the Sage know, Obito can solo S-rank on his own but the moment he get a D-rank, he messed it up so bad that it was only saved because he has one very logical Genin and one very 'scary' Genin. Hinata seemed to work as the mouthpiece of the team as she was often the one that had to convince the people who had to face Obito and his boys to let them complete their mission after every messed up. Their missions were only completed thanks to her political skill.

It might help that she's a sweet and kind girl...

Minato sighed, " least this time no cow has their leg broken," He frowned, "Just a hole in the roof....and the floor....and the wall....are you starting a demolition team, Obito?" He looked at the Jounin seriously.

Obito slumped, "No..."

Minato rubbed his forehead, "Unfortunately due to the work quality, your mission pay had to be cut. That means nothing for you, Obito,"

After Team 8 left the debriefing room, Obito groaned, "How is it that I'm the problem? I'm the fucking Jounin!"

Naruto, confused, innocently asked, "What does 'fucking' means?"

Obito paled as the office door opened and Minato's 'smiling devil' face appeared, "Obito....inside, please,"

The Uchiha famous for being untouchable whimpered...

The door closed and Team 8 shared a collective sigh. Hinata didn't want to think badly about her teacher but the moment her father learned who was to become her Jounin Instructor, he had a very complicated look on his face. She realized that as skilled as Obito was, he's also extremely clumsy. Looking him up also baffled her. He's an S-ranked Shinobi, famous for being unable to be touched or wounded, making him an extremely dangerous opponent to face. She also know about his dream to become the Hokage. Taking on a Genin team was just part of gaining experience on how to give orders and the like.

But he's just so clumsy!

Shino hummed. He didn't want to think negative thoughts about his teacher but he's just very underwhelming. Shino had looked him up and his reputation was impressive. Obito was basically the kind of boogeyman that no one would want to face. The fact that he's untouchable made him a dangerous opponent. His ability was almost similar to the Yondaime. The man's eager to teach them and the first day where he almost tricked them into failing by making them turn on each other was certainly telling of his ability. However....

He's just so clumsy!

Meanwhile, while his friends wondered what went wrong with Obito, Naruto was busy thinking about how to paint. Because that was their latest mission. He was supposed to paint the wall and he did just that but it was a little hard for him because his body made getting close to things like wall hard for him. He was busy thinking about the 'how' when suddenly the wall broke because something flew and almost smash into his face. Then he saw through said hole has more holes on the building that he was supposed to help repaint.

The old man that owned the ruined building had complained, "Even the monster boy has more finesse that you and you're supposed to be the Jounin!"

In the end he had to hold the angry old man back while Hinata worked out some things with him. At the end of her discussion, the team ended up fixing the hole without pay. Shino did most of the cutting while Hinata did most of the hammering while Naruto pick up heavy materials. Obito had to do the simplest job, sitting still and hand Hinata and Shino the right tools. Obito also had to pay for the wasted paint the man had bought for their original mission.

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