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Naruto don't know how it comes to this. He usually stays away from the children in Konoha because he's wary about hurting them since they are all so much smaller than him. Even more so after turning into a Jinchuuriki. But Obito is busy at the Kazekage's office and Shino is 'sick' so he is sleeping off the heat back at the hotel that they are staying in. Since Naruto can't go in, he accepts that he has to sleep outside. His chakra is really working on his internal temperature control.

As for Hinata? She's walking alongside him to look around. Due to her status as an unsealed Hyuuga and the heiress of the clan, she had never been outside Konoha. The most trip outside she had ever done was when her father were called to work for the Daimyo where she will be protected alongside with the Daimyo's family. So she is very much curious about Suna's culture.

So how in the world did it come to this?

Naruto looks at the little boy dangling from his leg, using him like a jungle gym. In fact, he is currently being swarmed by little limbs and little bodies. Hinata stands before his pedipalps, making sure none of the children will wander too close to his fangs. He is wondering where their teacher is because surely this is dangerous in their eyes? One girl is even using his abdomen as a trampoline, bouncing lightly on his back. He's worried that she might hurt herself if she slips so he has been keeping an eye on her.

Hinata looks up at him, "This is fun!"

He awkwardly nods, "...I guess..."

Temari found him still standing stiff while letting the children snores away on his back, gawking at the sight before her, "What in the world?"

He had weaved a shade that his back legs stretches over the kids so that they won't get burned by the high sun. The rest snores against his many legs under him, some sprawled on the ground right beneath his sternum and abdomen. He looks at her, "Hinata had gone looking for the Sensei. I don't know what to do. They won't leave me, dattebayo,"

Temari snorts, "Kids in Suna have scorpions for pets and I guess a few desert spiders. You must have looked like a giant stuffed toy to them," She shakes her head, "I'm not surprised that they get attached quick. Don't the kids in Konoha do this too?"

Naruto shakes his head, "I tried to stay away from the playground and the Academy now that I'm not studying there. I don't know how they would react. Konoha people are arachnophobic,"

He then adds, "Then again, we giant man eating spiders in the Forest of Death so..."

Temari laughs, "I see. They must have been warned about the spiders so that they won't wander into the forest. We desensitized the kids here to spiders and scorpions because they will encounter their giant counterparts in the desert anyway so panicking and screaming will probably attract them. Staying calm is better when confronted by those beast. Not to mention, we hunt scorpions for their meat too," She nods at him, "You should try some. I heard that they taste like those crabs from the ocean, not that I would know. Never had crabs before,"

He tilts his head, "Is this that thing? Cultural differences?"

Temari blinks, "Huh...I guess it is,"

"Naruto-kun!" Hinata reaches them and looks at Temari, "Oh! Temari-san is also here! I can't find the Sensei anywhere! Is this normal for Suna?"

Temari scowls, "No. We might have differences but leaving children unattended is definitely not it," She walks around Hinata, "Let me look for her," After a moment, she comes back out, "How did you find these kids?"

Hinata shares a look with Naruto before explaining, "W-well, we were walking around to look at the sights when we saw these kids arguing and since I can't find their Sensei around, I decided to step in before anyone could get hurt. They said that their Sensei had to do something so they have to stay here until she return. We didn't really think much about it but we can't leave because by then Naruto-kun caught their attention. They started asking him all sorts of question and I think Naruto-kun was overwhelmed so I stepped in and starting telling them the cool things that Naruto-kun can do. After that, they started checking his body out and before we know it, we have been playing with them until noon,"

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