Eight Limbs Or More?

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Naruto leaps from tree to tree, following the merchant carriage heading for the port city. After almost 2 full weeks, he's finally gets to work on missions again. His teammates had also finished their punishment from their respective clans. Yukito and Haruka are both quieter than usual. Perhaps whatever 'training' that Minato had put them through was traumatic enough to keep their typical shenanigans on the low.

Obito yawns as they follows the merchant at his pace. He had completely exhausted all the topics that he could talk freely around civilians so now he lazily looks around for danger. Shino can be heard quietly buzzing with his Kikaichu. Hinata keeps an eye for both the surrounding and the merchant's good. It is a typical day for the Shinobi.

Naruto crawls around a particularly large bark to look ahead. Frowning, he noticed the trio of scouts. Silently, he made his way to their spot and lands on top of the trio, his hooves slamming down their crouching back and his weight keeping them down. Obito joins him soon after, "What's this?"

Naruto hums, "Scouts...I think,"

With a giant spider on their back, the trio are too stunned to speak. One had fainted upon noticing the legs. Obito hums before gesturing for Naruto to ease up so he could start interrogation, "Let's play good cop, bad cop," He grins at Naruto, "You be the good cop,"

An acne faced boy squeaks, "Shouldn't he be the bad cop?"

Obito shakes his head, "Nah. He's probably more innocent than you are. And what makes you think that a smiling guy like me would make for a good cop, hm?" His Sharingan comes alive and his smile looks positively demonic, especially with how it pulls at the scars on his face. The small cackle does not give the boy any confidence as he whimpers...

Hinata looks up when Obito comes out with three unconscious bodies. The merchant shifts uncomfortably at the sight but said nothing. It is what he had hired them to do after all. After tying the scouts to a three, he looks at his team, "Shino. Hinata. You both stay here and guard the merchant and his goods. Naruto and I will take down whatever camp this trio came from,"

He would like to have a three of them work on this but he can't exactly leave the merchant alone. Besides, Naruto is the biggest threat on the team even if he doesn't feel like it. Hinata's eyes and Shino's bugs would make for better guards than either he or Naruto. Besides, it is time he gets Naruto used to what could be his greatest call in his Shinobi career.

Naruto has proven to be a budding Fuuinjutsu master like his parents. But his pure brute strength and his senses made keeping him behind the others a waste as he can easily takes down numerous people at once thanks to his multiple limbs and far reaches with his webs. Like now, he easily traps the group of bandits with his webs while Obito finishes the edges of the camp. His twin tonfas with the ends lengthened by Fuuton also made landing on his back pointless, especially since he can just twist his second set of arms as if facing forward to deal with whichever fool thought that his wide back is his blind spot. Honestly, the boy has no blind spot at all!

By the end of the impromptu fight, Obito is packing up the leader of the small sized bandit camp. He looks around, "Civilians all. No washed up Genin or Chuunin defectors. Probably still new," He frowns at the banged up leader, kicking him, "Honestly, why do people keep doing this? Most work place could use some dumb muscles to do the heavy lifting and yet they thought they should be smart and start a bandit group like this. If you know you're dumb, just act dumb!"

Naruto taps the ground with his hooves, circling around and looks at the rock against the giant tree. Using his pedipalps, he taps the rock. Obito notice this and asks, "What's up with the rock?"

Naruto tilts his head before knocking on the rock. The still conscious bandits flinches when a crack echoes through the forest. Obito stares at the crack on the rock, "Naruto. I don't know what pissed you off but I don't think this is the time for a tantrum,"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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