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Minato visited the cocoon often whenever he could. He also left a Kage Bunshin to keep a constant eye on the cocoon, listening to Orochimaru as he rambled about the chaotic process that Kurotsuchi used to create...his creatures. The three children that Jiraiya deemed safe were still detained at the hospital as their health was truly terrible.

Kaguya Kimimaro was a survivor of the Kaguya Clan's purging in Kiri. He was captured while wandering in the wild by slave traders. That was how he met Yuki Haku. They were then sold to someone who owed Kurotsuchi something, leaving the two to rot under the madman while he slowly make his way through the number of 'slaves' he owned to experiment on. The condition they were left in was bad enough that Kimimaro developed a lung sickness that the medics in Konoha was working on to clear up. Luckily he was rescued before the disease could get any worse.

Ranmaru was an orphan in Kiri that was sold by his relatives because they didn't want to take care of a sick child that can't work the field. Apparently he caught Kurotsuchi's eyes when he heard rumors of a child with demon eyes. He was already wasting away in the little storage hut that they left him in. being slowly starved to death. Not that living in Kurotsuchi's base was any different but Kimimaro and Haku was quick to take him under their wings, keeping him hidden and safe for as long as they could.

Juugo, the big guy was originally in another cage near theirs. He was kept under strong seals and locked with thick chains. He was older than then and often being sedated whenever his strange ability grew unstable. Whenever the slaves were thrown into the arena for 'testing', he used his bodies to shield the other three smaller children. His only fear was that one day he might completely lose his mind and kill the three boys. At least, that was the story Minato was given by Haku as he was the only one fully awake instead of sedated for cure like Kimimaro and constantly asleep due to his illness like Ranmaru.

But Minato was more concerned about his son. Naruto's fate was still unknown for as long as the cocoon stayed intact. Orochimaru had done some ultrasound to 'see' the inside of the cocoon but the spider silk rejected the ultrasound. It was truly versatile and clearly extremely strong against attacks. So instead he had asked if a Hyuuga can see through the silks but Hizashi, the Hyuuga ANBU that Minato trusted, was not able to.

So far the silk deny chakra, heat, and a good sound proofing material.

Minato had studied the Spider Summon scroll that Orochimaru had retrieved and wondered if the spider would still be amicable enough to converse with. He didn't even know there's a summon for spiders. From what the toads shared with him, the spiders were reclusive and some had been known to eat their summoner.

Much like the snakes then.

But unlike snakes that swallowed their prey whole, spiders tended to use their prey differently. If they weren't being torn to little pieces as they were eaten alive little by little, they were used as a living nursery to feed their young immediately upon hatching, or if the spiders were too hungry they would just melt their prey's inside and drink them like juice.


Knowing that Kurotsuchi had betrayed them and used them, he knew that contacting them would be dangerous. So asking the spiders to help Naruto would be the absolute last resort. Instead, they will focus on the splicing technology that Kurotsuchi created. For everything that was bad, Minato's a firm believer that it was the application that decide whether something is truly evil or was just good done wrong. After all, it was bad to lock something sentient for days on end inside some else. However, letting the Bijuu go was no longer an option. There's too much bad blood between Konoha and the Kyuubi for any ending from his release to be peaceful. So for the good of Konoha and the people the lives in there, Minato had to do wrong by the Kyuubi.

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