A Day Around Konoha

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Naruto grunted as Shikamaru leaned against his larger frame. Naruto turned his head to really look at the boy and found him trying to climb his abdomen, "What are you doing?"

Shikamaru finally made his way on his back and stretched out, lying flat and sighed, "I figured that if I lie down on your back, I can have a mobile bed to watch clouds,"

Naruto deadpanned, "I'm not a mobile bed,"

Shikamaru shrugged, "Your back is...surprisingly...nice..."

Naruto raised a brow as the Nara started snoring. He knew that Nara slept a lot because from what he remembered Orochimaru talking, Nara's brain were always at work and their thinking process was so fast that sometimes their physical body couldn't keep up, which caused them to always be mentally tired. That was why Iruka never get mad at Shikamaru or any Nara children when they took a nap, their sleepy and lazy quirk wasn't really a choice but rather a side effect of their passive Kekkei Genkai that made the whole clan a genius. But he didn't expect for Shikamaru to fall asleep so easily.

After a while, he didn't even feel the boy's weight...

Naruto started to walk around Konoha. School's a half day that day and Naruto wanted to get used to walking around Konoha. He's determined to make his presence a new norm in Konoha and that means making the people of Konoha get used to the sight of a giant half human half spider walking around the village. Fortunately Kushina had shown him the snack places owned by non-combatant Akemichi so he could start there.

In Yukito's words; the civilians can suck it!

Naruto made his way slowly, noticing that the stares that day were less fear and more confusion. He greeted Anko, Orochimaru's apprentice, and she waved at him, "Hey, gaki! Want some dango? They make the balls extra large today!"

Naruto stared at the dango being patiently grilled by the stalls. The owner, too used by Shinobi, only paused for a moment to stare at Naruto before shrugging and continue on their work. Naruto already liked the guy. He carefully approached the man's stall and asked for three sticks of dango. Taking out Kumo-chan, a wallet that Kushina had sown for him the shape of a fat spider with eight stubby legs and six beady eyes, he paid the cost for his snack. The man didn't even flinch when Naruto's claws brushed his palm.

He sat with Anko for a while, just enjoying his snack, before excusing himself. Anko had even showed him her snake, a thin, brown fellow that flicked her tongue in his direction curiously. Naruto's used to snakes since Orochimaru used them often when he was in the room. He especially liked it when they drink. It was cute.

After that he continued on his walk. He found the library and decided to go into the building as the doors looked wide enough for his size to past through. Shinobi visitors barely glanced his way although a few did raise their brows, while civilians were quick to stay far from him although for some reason they paused to stare in confusion.

Naruto circled the library, noticing how some Shinobi sat on the ceiling upside down to avoid crowds so that they can read in peace. A Nara stared at him for a while before snorting and murmured their whole clan's catchphrase. Naruto wondered what that was about. After he looked through the whole section of the library that he can access as a Shinobi trainee, he decided to continue walking around Konoha. He looked towards the Hokage Mountain and decided to look what was behind the mountain...

Meanwhile Shikaku blinked at the sight that he caught when he looked out the Hokage's window. He mumbled, "That looks fun..."

Minato looked up from his pile of work, "What is?"

Shikaku smiled, "Shikamaru's promoting how harmless Naruto is to Konoha,"

Minato blinked, "How would he...no...wait. Don't tell me. I can guess. The twins tended to do the same thing. Just don't be surprised when Naruto came home with the boy. He tended to forget about anyone riding his back when they don't talk. His biological strength made him hardly feel the boy's weight,"

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