Spider Puberty?

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Naruto lies on his hammock, staring at the wall across from him with a completely blank mind. He then blushes bright red when he recalled what had happened the other evening. Covering his face, he whimpers, "I can't believe that I did that to Hinata-chan!!"

Normally, mummifying people with his silk doesn't make him feel anything but for some reason the action yesterday evening with Hinata feels different. Don't spiders usually weave silks around things that they consider prey? But Hinata's not food? But he can't help but think about the few times he thought about 'eating' her but he thought it was something his predatory spider side was reacting so he ignored it. But what does this mean? He wants to eat Hinata? What?

That's it! He's a danger to Hinata! He should stay away from her!

But thinking about staying away from Hinata makes him sad?

No! He shakes his head vehemently. He needs to stay away from Hinata until whatever this is disappear!

He clenches his fist and scowls, "This is for the good of Hinata,"

"What are you mumbling about there?"

Naruto looks to see Jiraiya staring at him. Getting off his hammock, he wobbles on his hooves for a moment before asking the man, "When did you come back?"

Jiraiya huffs, "This morning. Kid, what was that about yesterday? Hinata is still stuck in that silk cocoon," He snorts, "Any longer and she might just become a butterfly,"

Naruto blinks, thinking about Hinata as a butterfly. His mouth salivates. After a moment of thinking, he pales and shakes his head. He can't believe that he just imagined eating Hinata! Just the image of her, with her pretty wings all tangled up, her white limbs stuck to his sticky webs, staring at him as he prepares to...to...


Jiraiya jumps in shock, "What the hell, brat?! Why'd you scream?!"

Naruto sobs, "I'm a monster~!"

Jiraiya stares at him before nodding, "Yeah. So?"

He starts to wail, "I'm a monster, dattebayo~!!!"

Jiraiya stares at him before sighing, "Naruto. Kid. Does it matter? Sure you look like one. Straight out of someone's nightmare too. But why should that matter? I mean, you are a Shinobi of Konoha and your family don't care that you don't look like them-,"

Naruto cuts him off, "You don't understand!! No one can!!"

Jiraiya groans in misery, "I can't believe he's that age now...no wonder Minato is panicking..." He thought the man was joking when he sent a frantic message about how Naruto is now in his teenage angst era and he has no clue what to do because apparently he's too busy with ANBU training at 13 to be angst and thus skipped that phase of teen-hood. But leaving this to Jiraiya would hardly help. He's too busy working with geniuses to figure out teenage angst.

He waits for Naruto to stop sobbing before sighing, "Look. You better not steal Kushina's eyeliner or anything, okay? They won't look good on you anyway," What else? He clears his throat, "And before you push me away saying that I don't understand, don't forget that I am not always the gallant Shinobi in front of you all the time. I don't pop out of my mum's egg looking this awesome, alright? Whatever you are going through, I have been there. So try me!"

Naruto stares at him, "...have you ever felt like eating your female teammate?"

Jiraiya stares at him before asking, "Before we go through that, can I ask; eat her in what way? Because if I approach this wrong, your mom will have my balls sacks feeding the fishes,"

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