Together At Last!

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Naruto stared at the ajar door, tilting his head curiously as he can see Minato but then he has someone with long red hair with him. They walked further in and Naruto blinked. He had been a little obsessive with looking at the human anatomy book so he could already tell from the swell of her chest that this is a woman. His feet tapped nervously on the ceiling as two more people appeared and his interest piqued.

They're small, almost the size of his human torso.

Both of them has golden hair, just like Minato. Something in Naruto sank and he looked at his hands. Somehow he feel...dejected? Was that the word?

Minato finally look up and spot Naruto, "Naruto! Come on down! There's someone I want you to meet!" He blinked when the spider boy just turned around and disappeared into his special handmade hammock. They had to custom made his blanket as fall grew colder. It has been almost a year since he came back after all and Naruto had even molted on his birthday week. It was an interesting process and they realized that he had very soft chitin covering his human part, so microscopic and tiny to the human eyes that they only notice it when he molt as he had to ask their help to peel off the 'skin' from his human parts.

That was also the day they realized why Naruto doesn't smell and why instead of dirty, he looked dull from the build up. It was also why wiping him had been easy so far but certainly not practical at getting the worse of the build up off of him.

But those discoveries aside, Naruto acted strangely.

Minato hummed as he walked up the wall and squatted next to his hammock, "Why are you hiding? Did something upset you?"

Naruto's dark blue gaze stared at him from under his pillow fort. Minato did his best to read the boy's expression. Naruto had been particularly affectionate with him more than the others, Orochimaru coming second due to constant proximity. Although Jiraiya was Naruto's official Godfather, Orochimaru had all but taken over with how much easier he bonded with the boy over Naruto's curiosity about the world around him. So for Naruto to avoid him when he saw the others...Minato blinked and he had to force his lips from quirking into a stupid smile.

How adorable! The boy's jealous!

But teasing Naruto over a matter that he clearly does not understand would only made him even more upset so Minato held back on his mischievous side. He smiled at Naruto, "'s okay. I just want you to meet them. They...they are your family. Remember when I told you that I'm your father? Well..."

He pointed at Kushina, "That's Kushina, your mom..."

Kushina waved her hand, holding back on her natural excitement, "Hey baby..."

Minato continued, "And those two are your siblings, the girl is Haruka and the boy is Yukito,"

Naruto peeked his head out, thinking. Minato had said that a few times but Naruto was still picking up sound and relating them to words. The others had always referred to him as Naruto's father and Naruto had noticed the fondness he felt towards the older blond. He had wondered about a 'mother' and Minato had just pointed at the first 'big girl' he sees as Naruto's 'mother'. But what are siblings?

He tilted his head as the two smaller boy and girl before asking, "What...siblings?"

Minato blinked, "Wait...I never explain to you about siblings?"

Kushina giggled at his reply, "Naru-chan..."

Naruto stilled, his ears tingling from her soft voice. It wasn't exactly a memory but something deeper. Like he had heard her voice before, just like when he sometimes thought he knew Minato's voice. It was a very strong feeling he had as he stared at her. Beside him, Minato did that fingers wiggling that speak words that has no sound that Naruto has yet to learn. Kushina looked at the unused bed and sat on the mattress before crooning out an old lullaby that she always sang to her children as she carried them.

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