Team 8

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Naruto sat in his class for one final time, waiting for Iruka to declare which of his classmates he will team up with. Naruto didn't want to put too much hope. He could end up with none of his friends. But he sure hoped that he won't end up with any other less friendly classmates. They weren't openly negative about him but their scent don't lie.

When Naruto realized that he can scent emotions, he had quickly sought out Kakashi to differentiate what he smelled and though he can tell from their expressions and words alone, the scent solidified what he had suspected. So now, with Hinata's help to read micro-expression, the scent helped him determined their true intention better. So he really hope that he won't end up with someone who really can't get along with him but lied about it.

That would be an uncomfortable way to start his Shinobi career...

Iruka slowly go through the list before coming across Naruto's name, "...Team 8 will be...Aburame Shino, Hyuuga Hinata, and Uzumaki Naruto..." Naruto blinked and looked at his two friends, both looking pleased at the arrangement, "...Your Jounin Instructor is Uchiha Obito..."

Naruto wondered what division his team falls under. Obito's an all-rounder type of Shinobi. He's not as smart as Kakashi, though he would argue otherwise, but he's extremely creative. Not to mention he was the one to take him back to Konoha along with the other three men. He's very good at infiltration and that would explain Shino. But that still doesn't explain Naruto and Hinata. As Hinata had pointed out, she's better suited for tracking and bodyguard duty. Naruto doesn't know what type of Shinobi job he's suited for.

Obito appeared immediately after Iruka finished the list, grinning at his new team of Genin, "Alright, kids! Come with me!"

Naruto, Hinata, and Shino quickly followed the Uchiha. Obito took the newly formed team all the way to the Memorial Stone before turning around and faced them, "Alright! I think all three of you know where we are!"

Shino pushed his shade up, "We are at the Memorial Stone of Konoha where the names of fallen compatriots are etched into the stone to be remembered. The reason why is because some of the Shinobi's bodies cannot be retrieved and can only etched on the tombstone of an empty grave. But that is not all. The Memorial Stone is also a place to honor those who have fallen for the good Konoha. The reason why is because-,"

Obito quickly raised his hands, "Alright! Alright! We get it! No need to rehash you history lesson here. Anyway!" He clapped his hands, "You fellow teammate here is right! On this stone are the names of Shinobi who has fallen in the line of duty while protecting Konoha. Not all have their name honored here. But most who had done a great service and died, whose body cannot be retrieved, their name are forever immortalized here on this stone," He caressed a name etched at the bottom, "Nohara Rin...her service might not mean anything in the bigger scheme of thing but...the Hokage honored her because she was the first to put her life down in an attempt to keep something precious to him safe...though she failed, her intention and dedication to her duty is something to be remembered,"

Naruto clicked his pedipalps, having a feeling that he has something to do with her death. Obito turned to him and smiled before looking at the others, "Rin is one that is honored so because it isn't the size of the mission but rather the size of her dedication and her sacrifice. These aren't just names of people who died on the line of duty. If it is, then we would be filling the whole graveyards with rocks like this one here. No. This is for those who sacrificed themselves, knowing that they would die, but still put their life out there anyway because it is the right thing to do for the sake of the many...or for the sake of one,"

He patted Naruto's head, "She'll be happy to know that you have returned to Konoha, Naruto,"

Naruto blinked back tears and nodded, "Thanks to you!"

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