What's Wrong With Naruto?

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Hinata hums and sighs as she plucks the apples from the trees of the farmer that had asked for their service. Unfortunately, Naruto is not there because he is still being punished by the Hokage. But that is only half of the reason why she's glum that morning. No, rather it was the odd sight of seeing Naruto crying outside her home that have been bothering her all day since that yesterday.

Shino, tire of her sighing, finally asks, "What is it that makes your mood so low, Hinata? The reason why I ask is because this is only the second tree and we have a three more rows to finish picking. Team 10 is already halfway done and Team 7 has almost completed theirs,"

Hinata sighs, "Apologies, Shino. I just..." She looks down at him, "I'm worried about Naruto-kun,"

Shino, not understanding, asks, "Why? It is expected that even if he do right, some sort of punishment must be given for going against order. This punishment of his is very light,"

Hinata shakes her head, "No. It's just that...didn't you notice? He's been acting...quieter than normal. I mean, he's not loud like the twins but he is still full of chatters. But even before Suna, he has been a little glum about something. I didn't want to pester him because it might be private but..." She frowns, "Naruto was crying outside my clan's compound yesterday evening but he won't tell what upsets him,"

Kiba pops out from the other side, "What? Naruto's crying?" Akamaru yips along with his question.

Sasuke pops his head from the other side of the tree, "He can cry?"

Shikamaru walks to them, dragging a tall basket of ripe apples, "That is weird. Not him crying but him crying outside your home, to be exact,"

Chouji tries not to eat the apples in his basket by looking at Team 8, "Maybe he got an upset stomach?"

Ino huffs, "Not every misery begins from stomach, Chouji,"

Sakura says nothing. She's not close to Naruto and while her opinion of him is better than during the Academy, she do not think that her saying anything will be appreciated. So instead she joins Hinata to help with the apple picking.

Sasuke starts scheming, "Maybe I should visit him,"

Kiba scoffs, "You just want to see Haruka! She don't even notice you! You probably looked no different from a squid to her!" He shifts away from the kick heading for his calf, poking his tongue out.

Other than Naruto, who is still too innocent for romances, everyone has started to pick up on Sasuke's interest in the female Uzumaki twin. This had broke the heart of Ino and Sakura. They tried to figure out why he likes her so much to the point of stalking her when he has free time but they still don't know what is it about Uzumaki Haruka that catches Sasuke's attention. His infatuation to Haruka is now an open secret with the rest of Konoha 11...barring Naruto.

Who knows how the Tsuchigumo will react with Sasuke's not so pure intention towards his imouto.

...probably turn him into a human flavored slurry and commit cannibalism for the first time...

That is if he gets to Sasuke first before the other Uzumaki men, one of which is the current Hokage. That being said, everyone agrees to not talk about Sasuke's feelings towards Haruka in front of Naruto. Besides, the girls argued that Haruka should have her own freedom to decide who she wants to go out with, without the men's input.

Hinata's sigh breaks the scuffle by the tree, "But Naruto-kun...he can be tight lipped if he don't want to say something. I know that it is surprising since he is usually very open but..."

Shino hums, "This is indeed a dilemma. We cannot help our friend if he does not speak up,"

The group falls quiet before Shikamaru looks at Hinata, "What was he doing at your place, anyway?"

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