An Angelic Monster

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Yukito and Haruka quickly became a part of life inside the room. They often rushed there to spend more time with Naruto. They had also finally managed to introduce bathing to Naruto. The main problem was that he needed a lot of space to clean his body and he took almost a full hour just getting to every crook and cranny of his many segments on his body. Minato was also right in that pumice helped with the built up on his chitin, basically scrapping off the dead parts. The softer parts only use a harsher than normal scrubbing towel.

Kushina had also helped trim his hair. She notice two very tiny black dots on the back of his head near the top of his skull and was thankful that she had read about Naruto's physical report carefully because she had almost mistaken them for fleas. She didn't want to traumatize Naruto by trying to gauge out his little eyes. But now he looked more presentable than a half wild spider child. She huffed. Men! They don't know anything about making a child look presentable!

The trio spent a lot of time with Naruto, talking to him and helping him with his studies. Maybe due to sheer boredom, Naruto was interested in reading about anything he's curious about than playing. But once Yukito set up a target to practice his Bukijutsu, Naruto's focus shifted from pictures of the outside world into what his little brother's doing. He watched as Yukito shot sharp things after another. He recalled the pointy diamond shaped one with the circle on the other end of the handle was called a 'kunai', and the one shaped like little black stars were called 'shuriken'. He stared quietly as Yukito finished up his practice before asking, "Teach?"

Yukito jolted and looked at him. He looked at the kunai still in his hand, unsure, before asking, "You don't like pain though?"

Naruto tilted his head, "Explain?"

Yukito sighed and began explaining, "To wield a kunai, you have to be a Shinobi. Shinobi are soldiers. We do a lot of things like guarding, patrolling, and..." He looked at Naruto, "Killing," He didn't want his brother to hate him on that alone but he needed Naruto to understand the weight of holding a kunai, just as Minato had taught his children. Yukito and Haruka knew what it means to wield a kunai and learn jutsu. He showed the kunai, "This is a tool for hurting protect both our lives and those precious to us,"

Minato wanted his children to truly understand the weight of accepting the tools of a Shinobi. Unlike some people, he wanted them to understand that these tools were not toys but instruments of pain. Wielding one could one day lead to taking the life of another. He then let his children let that lesson seep in deeply before accepting their decision. If they wanted to remain a non-combatant, he will teach them simple ways a civilian can live and defend themselves to escape. But if they choose to follow his career, then he will send them where they can learn more about what it means to be Shinobi.

It was the main reason why he didn't side with Kushina when she argued about their choice to become Shinobi. He knew his children understand what was at stake when they chose their path.

So Yukito thought he should extend the same lesson to Naruto. Naruto's older in age and larger in size but his understanding of the world was far more innocent than him. Because of this, Yukito believe that he needed to be the 'big brother' in their relationship.

Naruto stared at the kunai in Yukito's hand. He thought about being helpless. He knew helpless, he was helpless. Yukito was right, he doesn't like pain and the very thought of hurting others and visit them the same kind of pain make him recoil in disgust and horror. But then he latched onto something that Yukito said; to protect both our lives and those precious to us.

His mind raced. He thought about his family and what he can do if they were the one in his place; strapped, unable to move, immobile, helpless, and in so much pain. Naruto's pedipalps twitched, his fangs itching from the imagines horror. He knew about pain. He didn't want to hurt other people but...but if they hurt his family...

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