A New Home

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The past year had Minato busy building a new home with a larger backyard with the forest attached. People who worked on the construction of the Yondaime's new home can be heard wondering about the odd design but didn't really discuss it. Minato also set numerous privacy seals around his new home. He even had Kakashi's junior that he rescued from Danzo to help make the trees larger while he had Inoichi help him with the garden. The reason behind all this was because he wanted Naruto to actually be at home and not trapped in a single room.

He had a long discussion with Orochimaru, Shibi, and Inoichi regarding Naruto's health, both physical and mental. It was clear from the security camera inside the room that Naruto had been tempted to go outside several times and the few times when he was completely left on his own, it was like all the life left the boy with how listless he became. Naruto's natural disposition seemed to be social rather than solitary. He thrived when his family and friends visited and though Orochimaru was often around, the man grew scarcer as there's less and less information to be gained from watching Naruto. A good company the Hebi Sennin was not.

So he had a discussion with Kushina about moving. Knowing that this was to help Naruto begin his life in Konoha proper, Kushina was all gung-ho about it. With Shibi's help, they create a 'Naruto friendly' home. The twins were excited to learn about the construction and Yukito was quick to give ideas that he thought would make Naruto's stay in their new home more comfortable. Thus the open space, large tress, and flowers were all because Naruto love nature. And to make it more private and spider friendly, Shibi suggested an underground room with a trap door hidden in the 'forest' area of their home. Something like a trapdoor spider's home.

After a little planning, Kushina suggested a pond to hide the fact that they have a room dedicated to a 'Tsuchigumo' that will only grow larger as he grow older. The pond will be above a circular window that will let in as much natural light as possible without making it too bright. Though Naruto does not have a light sensitive eyes, he seemed to prefer dim places. A barrier of water over a window facing the sky would make that perfect. They could also use the pond to train simple moves using chakra control if anyone ask.

The rest of the family will live in a rather normal home above ground but will have wider spaces, the reason behind the builder's confusion. A door will lead them to Naruto's underground space, connecting him with the rest of the family. He can also join them whenever he wanted. Though he will have his own toilet and bathroom, they made their bathroom abnormally large so that Naruto can soak with them should he wanted to. Really, their bathtub was a swimming pool! The only reason Minato didn't worry much about the water cost was because of the special seal that Kushina developed precisely to conserve on their water bill cost. But other than the home his human family will live in, everything else was a combined effort between the four men that had discovered the boy, making the underground structure unknown to the construction company.

The house had just been completed.

Now the problem was moving Naruto to their new home without being seen by other people. As much as he love his son, Minato was not naive to think that the general populace of Konoha would react positively to his appearance. His love for Naruto allowed him to see beyond the otherwise monstrous appearance, but outsiders would react badly.

He's afraid that this will scar the boy too much. Normally Minato was not one to coddle his children. He believed some hardship will build character. However Naruto's a unique case. Not to mention, even human children will be scarred from being called a monster. Then he recalled an orphan that was recently released from Konoha General; Ranmaru. The boy was discovered to have a unique Dojutsu that can cast a powerful Genjutsu that can hide some so completely that even a sensory ninja cannot perceive through. Truly a talent that Danzo would exploit.

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