Konoha And Essay

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Obito looks at the seal on Naruto's abdomen, frowning at the flashes, "Naruto? You're ass is glowing,"

Normally, the spider would have argued that his abdomen is not his ass but this time he remains silent. This causes the other two on Team 8 to share a look. Now that they are looking at him despite the flickering light of their campfire, they notice that he has a rather troubled look. His team know about his status as a Jinchuuriki. He had trusted them enough to share about his new condition due to their curiosity towards his metamorphosis.

After a moment, he sighs, "I think I made Kyuubi-san upset,"

Obito chews on his jerky, "Since when is he not upset?"

Naruto shakes his head, "He's crying..."

Obito chokes and coughs, making Hinata bring him his flask of water. After a moment of wheezing, he asks Naruto, "The Kyuubi?" Naruto nods, "Crying?" The boy continues to nod, to Obito's disbelief, "What would he even cry about?"

Naruto shrugs, "I found out that he has a dad and...I guess I made him miss his dad,"

Obito is in utter disbelief, "The Kyuubi has a dad?"

Naruto looks at Obito with dead eyes, "He was not born out of a moss, you know?"

Obito blinks for a few moments before asking, "And his dad is...?"

What could be powerful enough to bring the Kyuubi to life? Also, is he still around? Where is he? Would he rain hellfire over them for imprisoning the Kyuubi for being force of nature? Not to mention, if he has a dad then where is his mom?

Naruto sighs, "His dad is...dead. He's been dead for a very, very long time that his dusts should be dusts," He wonders, "I asked Kyuubi-san where his grave is so Kyuubi-san could visit his dad but he got mad at me instead. I don't blame him. He thinks that...that we would imprison his dad like we imprisoned him,"

Hinata hums, "What sort of being is his father?"

Naruto shrugs, "Not sure. But Kyuubi-san sing him praises. He said that his dad created the moon! His dad is also very wise and very kind and...I guess he misses him,"

Shino pushes his shades up, "Naruto, that makes no sense. The reason why is because everyone know that the moon was created by Rikudou Sennin..." He pauses, thinking.

Hinata blinks, one hand hovers over her lips as she stares at the seal.

Obito laughs nervously, "Is he trying to tell us that his old man is the...Father of Chakra?" He looks at Naruto, "He's lying...right?" He then frets, "Because if that is true then...then...Rikudou Sennin is real?" He asks lamely, voice quieter.

Naruto tilts his head to the side, "Who is Rikudou Sennin? And what is the Father of Chakra?"

Hinata clears her throat, "Well, Rikudou Sennin's true name had long been forgotten. Many of his feats had also disappeared with time, making it obscure and mostly unknown. But one thing that persists is that he is the one who grants humanity chakra. That is why we calls him Father of Chakra. And another thing that remains consistent in every stories about him that it is probably the only story that everyone have about him is his creation of the moon. Obviously, such a feat is impossible...at least for us,"

Shino looks at her, "Elaborate. Why is it impossible for us but not him?"

Hinata looks at him, "Rumor has it that the Hyuuga Clan descends from the moon. Obviously, many thought that this is just a lofty way of our clan saying that we hailed from Tsuki. But there are no collection of Hyuuga Clan ever been in Tsuki. Our records have always starts with being in Hi and the general area around Hi. That said, our clan also goes on about how we are related to Rikudou Sennin but at the same time not. It made little sense to me,"

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