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Hinata petted the soft black hair with orange tip under her hand. She then pushed her face against the fluffy hide, "Smell like the fluffy..." She giggled, "I'm so happy..." She threw her arms over the warm hide, rubbing her cheek and sniffing deeply.

Naruto blushed a deep scarlet as he looked at Hinata before turning to Obito, " could you...?"

Obito grimaced, "I didn't think that the powder is actually a drug!"

Shino sighed, "Who knew that investigating the mysterious light in the forest would lead us to a growing drug cartel branch?" He then added, "Fortunately this drug is considered a beginner drug. She won't become addicted or anything like that. Hinata will simply be...high,"

Naruto poked at Hinata's side, feeling regret. They were fighting the few thugs that had been hired to protect their 'product' when a sachet was thrown at Naruto's face and in retaliation, he had smacked the sachet away from. His claws had broken the plastic and it went smack in Hinata's face. Fortunately they were already finishing up so Hinata was in no danger. The sachet was thrown by Obito who had grabbed a random item and somehow missed his target which lead the aforementioned incident that lead to a drugged up Hinata. Naruto whimpered, "Hinata-chan...I'm sorry, dattebayo..."

Hinata blinked up at him before pulling his face closer to hers and nipped his nose, freezing the spider in shock. She then giggled, "Got your nose~!"

Obito sighed, grabbed the drunk girl and plopped her on Naruto's now fluffy back. She quickly throw her body down and hugged him, squealing, "I love you~! You're so fluffy~!" She then glared at Obito, "My fluffy!"

Obito gave a weary laugh and nodded, "Okay. Okay...your fluffy..." He then said, "His name is Naruto, you know?"

Hinata blinked at him before peppering Naruto's back with kisses, "My fluffy Naruto! I love Naruto~! So fluffy~! My Naruto is fluffy~!"

Obito stared at the nonsense happening before him before looking at a daze Naruto with steaming red face that blood from nose? He shook his head before looking at Shino, "Alright. Let's get back down to the village. We should let them handle these...youngsters..." He then added, "We will also need to inform the local authority about this drug problem infecting their village so they can decide whether to ask for a higher ranked mission from Konoha to deal with the mess. This thing should be handed over to Chuunin and higher,"

He grabbed Naruto's hand and lead the team to the village. The past few weeks, Team 8 has been coming down to the villages neighboring Konoha and profiting from the security of being so close to a Shinobi village to get the people used to Naruto. This was usually how C-rank was introduced to Genin and getting the kids used to the outside world and civilians that were not used to Shinobi's insanity. The escort and bodyguard mission was the norm and seriously, Nami was insane for a beginner's C-rank.

The villagers had at first reacted as expected to the sight of Naruto. Then they slowly became used to the boy's presence in their village. Of course, there were some rascals that threw rock at Naruto. The boy felt nothing but the few that almost hit his teammates will made him glare at them, clicking his pedipalps in warning. Naruto certainly has a presence due to his large size. He's not 'adult' size, but he has certainly grown after hosting the Kyuubi inside him. Now he stood head to head with Obito.

Naruto will definitely grow larger and taller than any of his peers.

That aside, Naruto had shown that unless provoked, he's rather gentle with the people around him. In fact, he's become quite the mascot to some villagers who enjoyed watching him work in their village. So far, three out of eight villages surrounding Konoha had been 'exposed' to Naruto's presence. This was the fourth village that Obito's trying to expose Naruto to and the 'investigate the strange light in the forest nearby' was the first high C-rank mission this village had requested that year. Most C-ranks these villages requested were usually bordering D-ranks so it had taken Obito's interest.

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