Spiders 101

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Naruto barely remembered his painful childhood. He didn't remember much, just endlessly being strapped to a table and going in and out of consciousness as his body either burn or grew cold. He break out into fevers often and then it was pain, pain, and more pain. The worse was when the...bad thing brought in a big spider. They were both placed onto a piece of paper, big sharp fangs were pierced into their bodies, ticklish stick with fluff painted something on his body and then the spider's body, some weird garble he could not understand, and then something happened. Something so painful he screamed. Something so painful that the spider screamed.

Then it was darkness.

Naruto didn't remember much.

But after waking up after a long slumber, he saw a beautiful face. Soft voice saying words that he could not comprehend. He never was given a chance to learn anything. Every time the bad thing appeared, Naruto will be in pain. He couldn't voice his pain because he doesn't know words. But with this thing with the fluff on his head like Naruto's, Naruto wanted to learn it; words.

The pale one (snake) was always around him. He always wrote something on his weird slab made up of white leaves. He noticed immediately that Naruto doesn't know a lot of things. He started little by little, pointing at something and saying the word. Naruto mimicked him.

Then the man, that's the word, handed him a book, not white leaves, and started pointing at the pictures there. The weird blots and squiggles suddenly have meanings and Naruto smiled. The man kept pointing to his chest and say the word 'Minato'. Naruto know what to call him now; Minato.

The snake is 'Oro'. Naruto's tongue twisted saying his name so he settled on 'Oro'. Oro doesn't look very happy that Naruto can't say his name properly but he let it go.

Naruto felt uncomfortable something appeared between his pedipalps. There's two and they're oddly red and soft, unlike the rest of him. Like the pale color on him, they're soft and they spilled something out before retreating back under the hard dark part of him.

Oro looked split between unhappy and interested when he discovered the mess.

But he wasn't happy when Naruto expel something both hard and soft from the back end. He had the boy stand on the side as he set more of 'Oro' to deal with the mess. Naruto learned that what had happened from the front was 'peeing' and what had happened from the back was 'pooping'. Oro does not like it when Naruto 'pee' or 'poo' on the white, fluffy nest. He called on Minato had the man show Naruto where he's supposed to 'pee' and 'poo'. The hard, white and weird rock will deal with it as long as he pushed the 'handle' down

Naruto played with the 'toilet' for a while, amazed by the rushing water that 'flushed'.

Oro asked Naruto to open his mouth. He stared and poked his mouth with a tiny, flat wood for a long time before using a tiny white thing with soft end to gather his saliva. Naruto had reacted badly to needles so he hid them away. He plucked a hair from Naruto's head, making the blond hissed at him before hiding under the blanket of his 'pillow fort'.

He know that word from 'Obito' and 'Kakashi'.

His pillow fort is nice but he wanted something more comfortable. So when Oro went out one day (new word), Naruto decided to do something about it. It was instinctual. He pulled out threads from between the segment of his fingers, beneath the last knuckles, and began weaving. His back leg pulled more from the spinneret of his back end to help speed up the process. He didn't think about the component needed. It was all instinct as he created a bouncy but firm hammock. He then started piling and sticking the quilt to the hammock for softness. Once that was done, he slept from the fatigue of his first creation from his own silk.

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