Don't Cry

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Naruto has nowhere to sleep in that house. Understandable, he's not exactly the kind of guest they were expecting. He remembered having this discussion with Orochimaru when the man heard that he wanted to be Shinobi;

Orochimaru sipped on his tea, "I respect your desire to be of use to the village, Naruto-kun. However, you will have to expect rejection from the world itself and be prepared for that mentally. You cannot be weak to their ignorance,"

Naruto stared at his first teacher, "How do I do that?"

Orochimaru smirked, "By showing them that you are capable doing things without relying on them for food and shelter. After all, being relied on for that is all that they have over Shinobi,"

After that, he made Naruto research on how to survive without relying on their hospitality, no matter how reluctantly given. The very first thing he made Naruto learn was making his own shelter. So Naruto had learned how to create a 'nest' like a funnel type spider. He sought out the forest for the right spot and began to weave his temporary home. His study was made easier after making contract with the spiders of Naraku's Pass.

Tsunami spied on the spider Shinobi as he began to build a giant spider nest in her backyard. She looked at the adult Shinobi, "Will he be okay out there?" She still felt bad for reacting in such an unsightly manner towards the boy that had shielded her father from deadly attack. So she had offered food and shelter but soon realized that Naruto couldn't even make it past her door frame. In the end she had agreed to let the boy use her backyard.

Shino, the boy with the shades, answered, "Naruto will be fine. The reason why is because he is creating a shelter most suitable for him. That is a funnel nest, at least from the bare formation that I can see from here. It will keep him dry,"

Tsunami continued to fret, "Well, will he be warm?"

Hinata, the girl of the group, answered, "Naruto-kun can create his own quilt so you don't have to worry, Tsunami-san,"

Tsunami looked back towards the slowly forming funnel nest and sighed, "If you say so...oh! What about dinner?!"

Obito laughed, "I'm sure his mother already thought about that. And if you don't mind, Naruto might bring you games from the forest. His diet is meat heavy because he's carnivorous. But don't worry! He has no desire to eat people!" He laughed at her horrified look.

Meanwhile Naruto finally finished his funnel nest and sighed as he stood back to look at it. Climbing into the rather plush nest, he started weaving his blanket. After he finished with that, he unsealed his packed dinner and licked his mouth, sharp teeth flashing as he grinned, "Itadakimasu!"

Tazuna spied on him, "That's a lot of meat,"

Obito swallowed his rice, "He's a big growing boy, emphasize on Big,"

Tsunami looked at the amount Naruto chowed on and gulped, "I will be most thankful if he can bring back meat for us. I don't think the few things I could buy at the market could fill him,"

The next morning, Naruto yawned and opened his eyes to the sight of a tiny jumping spider that plucked on his thread with a familiar rhythm. He hummed at their report on the events of last night and thanked them before sending them off to continue watching and guarding the family. He left his nest and sealed the entrance with his silk before leaving to greet his team. Hinata was already working on warming up and Shino was busy communicating with Kikaichu to prepare for the day ahead.

He caught Tsunami's eyes as she was leaving for the morning market and quickly greeted her, "Tsunami-san! I have a request..."

Obito looked at his team and nodded, "Well, there's not much we can do but wait for Gato to send whatever hooligan he has to us. So!" He clapped his hand, "I decided that we will speed up the mission by helping Tazuna with the bridge!"

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