Naraku's Pass

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Minato stared at the Spider Summoning Scroll, unsure about what he was about to do. He wasn't sure what would happen since the last summoner was a psychopath that not only kidnapped their kin but also experimented on them. He wasn't sure how the spiders would react to Naruto. From what Orochimaru had reported, Naruto and the largest spider that Kurotsuchi Shou had summoned had been meshed into one. But Naruto's will was stronger than the spider, which killed the spider's mind.

Or at least that was the theory that Orochimaru came up with.

He summoned Fukasaku and after a moment, the old toad sage appeared before him. Fukasaku, otherwise fondly called Pa, greeted him, "What is it, Minato?"

Minato offered him tea that he knew Pa could drink. After a moment, he asked, "Do you know anything about the Spiders?"

Pa blinked, "The Spiders? We seldom hear about them. They are very quiet after all and tended to keep to themselves. Their old reputation precedes them however. I am sure you know how dangerous they are. Why do you ask?"

Minato sighed, "A few years back...a madman managed to find their Summoning Scroll and had summoned a few spiders. However, rather than use the spiders as normal, he trapped them with him and...experimented with the few that he caught,"

Pa paled, "Goodness! How monstrous!" He frowned, "That would explain the rumbling that had happened in the spider's territory a few years back. Rumor has it that the youngest child of the Spider Boss had been taken and never returned. After a few attempts to retrieve him ended in failure, the spider resigned to the lost of the young spiderling," He hummed, "They did try to find the traitor that betrayed them but...the traitor hide his track well," He added, "Which isn't an easy feat, mind you! Spiders are very well informed! In fact, among the summon animals, spiders have all the information of anything they could send their kin to. It has been quite a known thing that spiders know more about others than we ever know about them,"

Minato sighed with a complicated look and pulled out a familiar Summoning Scroll...except it wasn't really familiar after all. Delicate spider patterns covered the scroll and Fukasaku gasped, "Minato! Where did you find this?!"

Minato sighed, "Naruto...the traitor of the Spiders was the same man that took Naruto and..." He stood up, "Why don't I show you?"

Fukasaku followed the man. Jiraiya had been keeping things it seemed. Minato invited Fukasaku onto his shoulder and after the elder toad did just that, he took the toad sage outside his office and around his house until he stood at a window facing the familiar pond where Naruto was training his chakra while familiarizing himself with the four sets of tonfas that Gai had given him to train his body at using the weapon.

He showed Fukasaku, "That is Naruto. My son,"

Fukasaku gasped in muted horror, "I sense...what has he done?"

Minato nodded, "I don't know if the spiderling used to meld with Naruto was the spiderling that had been literally kidnapped and the reason the spider's all up in arms but...Naruto wanted to become a Shinobi despite what had happened to him. He has trouble finding a form that could fit well with him as every martial art recorded and practiced were made for humans,"

Pa hummed, "So you are hoping to have the Spiders help him?"

Minato nodded before sighing, "But with what had happened recently, I don't know how they would react to a new summoner. Especially if what I suspect about Naruto's side is...the truth, how would they react to him,"

Fukasaku stared at Naruto for a while longer before making a decision, "I will try and arrange a meeting between you and them. Hopefully they will consider Naruto's situation carefully,"

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