End of Phase 2

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Shino wondered what happened last night. It seemed that Naruto and Karin can't seem to look at each other and whenever he looked at Hinata, his face grew as red as hot iron thrown into the forge. Hinata was also confused by his behavior. However, with their mission done, they have decided to head straight to the Tower. Now that she's better and fed, Karin refused to sit on Naruto's back and insisted on making her way to the Tower on her own two feet. Shino kept a Kikaichu on her, just to be safe. Naruto might trust her simply because she's family but Shino thought he should be wary of her.

They were on the way there when they came across Team 7 under attack. Rather, Kiba and Sakura were facing off against the Shinobi from the mysterious 'X' village. Sakura's long pink locks had been cut off and she seemed to be nursing a dislocated arm. She's also shielding a clearly injured Akamaru. Meanwhile, Kiba was growling as he attempted to defend his teammate despite the vicious attacks by the enemy Genin.

Hinata noticed Team 10 nearby but they were just watching. Other than Chouji, neither Ino nor Shikamaru could claim to be excellent fighters and Chouji would need a lot of food to fight. They were clearly at a disadvantage. She looked at Naruto who had landed on a tree and crawled over to see clearer. Karin shared a look with Shino who frowned, "Where's Sasuke?"

Naruto suddenly jumped, taking his team by surprise. They followed a second after just as the boy landed over a fallen Kiba, fangs bared and tonfas at the ready. A few shuriken and kunai were thrown but his stronger carapace easily nullified it. Hinata landed beside him along with Shino while Karin hid behind a tree, unsure of what she can do. Kusa had purposefully made her useless. Other than her self taught sensory skill, one born out of fear, and basic chakra augmentation, Karin has no mean to defend herself.

One of the opponent Genin attacked Naruto, but the boy easily deflected his attack with his tonfas. Karin gasped when another jumped on his back but his second set of arms twisted, making them face backward and easily threw the attacker off. The second Genin was immediately forced to face a furious Hyuuga. The third member stayed back, watching. Karin doesn't like that. That meant that they're taking notes. She noticed Shino moving and the third member suddenly twitched which quickly turn into a violent spasm as he was 'eaten' alive by Shino's Kikaichu.

The second member was distracted for a second and Hinata capitalized on that. Her palm struck his heart true and he fell down like dolls with their strings cut. Karin shivered at the sight. An attack that left no visible marks on the surface would made it hard to defend. The shell can be trained to endure and harden. But nothing can be done about the soft organs inside. She's supposed the simplicity of the Hyuuga only added to their deadliness.

Naruto scowled as the first boy grew more vicious. He didn't want to hurt anyone but...he could taste Kiba's blood seeping into the forest floor. Kiba's a precious friend. He harden his resolve and bared his fangs. While the boy remained distracted by his tonfas, he bit down on the side of their torso. The Genin from the unknown village paused as if frozen mid-attack. His skin quickly turned blue and his veins darkened to black as the venom worked through his system quickly.

He fell down; dead.

Kiba groaned, "I'm out, man,"

Sakura stared at Team 8, "Our scrolls are gone. One were taken by that team from Suna and the other were accidentally burned by these bastards. Sasuke was almost crushed to death by the boy with gourd. If it wasn't because of someone from a different village tried to take advantage, I think we would all be dead. Then these three appeared and started demanding that we give Sasuke to them,"

Naruto frowned and looked around, "Hinata, Shino, fine some sticks with equal length. I'll be makeshift stretcher. We are getting Team 7 to the Tower,"

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