Konoha At Last!

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Naruto can feel eyes staring at him as he carefully made his way through Konoha. The street has yet to wake up but those who were already awake was in shock and few even screamed before locking themselves behind doors. A few windows closed and a child cried. Naruto has no idea what the kid was doing up so early. His day just started and it was already depressing.

Then a familiar voice called out, "Naruto-san?"

Naruto looked around to see Ranmaru walking towards him, his brother Kimimaro close behind. Naruto smiled, "Good morning, Ranmaru, Kimimaro. How are you two?"

Kimimaro raised a brow, "You sound really stiff,"

Naruto stared at him, his pedipalps clicking in a nervous tic, before slumping and sighed, "Well...as you can already see...it isn't going very well," He also showed the twins he had to wrap in silk under his arms, "I had to do this before they go and burn someone's house just for being scared of me, dattebayo,"

Ranmaru scowled, "You're not scary though?"

Naruto chuckled at that, "Well...maybe because you and I are friends that you don't find me scary. That won't be fair with them. They have never seen me after all,"

Kimimaro scoffed, "So let them see you as you are. The solution is rather simple,"

Naruto stared at him before laughing, "You're right!"

"A monster is stealing the Hokage's twins!!"

Said twins glared at the direction of the idiot that screamed that. From the muffled sounds coming from their webbed mouth, nothing flattering was said about the fool. Ranmaru huffed at them before looking at Naruto to offer, "How about I hide you like that time you moved?"

Naruto mulled over the offer before shaking his head, "That would defeat the purpose of getting Konoha used to me. But thanks anyway,"

Kimimaro nodded, "Allow me to walk with you. If they see you interact with us like a civil sentient being, they might grow a brain,"

Ranmaru nodded furiously beside him.

Naruto blushed at the offer, his pedipalps clicking, "Thank you,"

The group continued to make their way to the Academy. As the street grew thicker with children and their parents, Naruto released his twins and asked them to not decimate the street no matter how justified they feel about defending him. They made no promises. Ranmaru backed them up. Naruto suddenly has a bad feeling about the three together.

As they reached the gate, he was joined by the clan children that he was introduced to. Sasuke was the first to join them, giving his greeting a distracted Haruka first.

Shikamaru immediately used his abdomen's side as something to lean on so he can doze off while walking, completely undisturbed by his spider legs. Chouji amicably offered his bag of chips, letting the Uzumaki siblings take a few, before offering to Ranmaru and Kimimaro that he had never met. It was sweet of him as he figured out that these must be two of the three orphaned brothers that Naruto was friends with before meeting the clan children.

Ino had to drag away from a pink haired girl that looked at Naruto with horror, "Sakura! Let go! He's my friend too, you know?! It's rude to not say hi!"

Sakura, the pink haired girl, whimpered, "But he's a spider!"

Ino raised an unimpressed brow at that, "So? There are scarier Shinobi out there!"

Naruto waved, "Hi, Ino," He waved at the scared girl, "Hello,"

"Is that him?!"

"Hanabi-sama! Please restrain from shouting,"

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