Shinobi 101

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Kushina smiled as she opened to door to Mikoto and Sasuke, "You're here!"

Mikoto handed her some meat, "Here. A gift,"

Kushina giggled, "You didn't have to..." She let them in and called out, "Naruto! Sasuke's here!" She looked at Mikoto, "I am so happy that he's making connection with the people of Konoha, dattebane!"

Mikoto laughed, "I'm so glad that you're not locking yourself in the house anymore. How's your training to get back in shape?"

Kushina sighed, "Oh, it was much harder than I thought. I was so out of shape, 'ttebane!"

Meanwhile Sasuke made his way to Naruto's 'cave'. The door was propped open and he can hear the Uzumaki twins downstairs. His heart skipped a beat when he heard Haruka's voice as she argued with her twin brother Yukito. It was a secret that he has a crush on Haruka after she punched a girl right in the nose for calling Aunt Kushina a 'mental case'. That girl happened to be a fan of Sasuke's and Sasuke had been itching to shut her up for a long time but since he's from a Shinobi clan, he couldn't hit her because she came from a civilian family.

It may sound stupid but the law was in place to stop Shinobi from using violence on non-combatant and most non-combatant were the civilians. And although a child from a Shinobi clan was considered a non-combatant, as long as they were trained to become a Shinobi, the same law applied to them. Sure Haruka got in trouble for her action but the punishment was balanced out as that girl had started her Shinobi training at the Academy so that would mean the law against using violence on non-combatant won't protect her. Had Haruka done that before the Shinobi class had been taken and the girl acknowledged as a trainee Shinobi, the punishment would have been harsher. Not to mention the girl was also punished for insulting the Hokage's family.

Sasuke had never seen a more pretty girl in his life than the moment Haruka lose her temper, her twin ponytails flaring and her cheeks flushing while her eyes glowed from her intense emotion. The fact that she showed her strength added to her charm when she punched the light out of the older girl. After that he had spent most of his free time following her around Konoha, using tracking training as an excuse should any of his policemen cousins saw him.

Itachi sometimes teased him for his infatuation for the Hokage's daughter though...jerk.

He breathed in deep and greeted the Uzumaki siblings, "Hey,"

Haruka looked up from where she was strangling Yukito on the ground from a grapple move she was training, "Oh. Hey, Sasuke,"

Yukito tapped her arm as his face was turning blue. Once she released him, he gasped for air, waving at Sasuke as he knelt on all four on the ground, "H-hey..."

Sasuke looked around and found Naruto upside down cleaning his window. The first time he was in Naruto's room, he was a little jealous. It was a really cool room. The light fractured by the waves of the pond made the whole room look cool as if underwater.

Naruto looked at him, "Did you bring it?"

Sasuke nodded, taking off his bag, "Of course I did,"

After the introduction done by the Hokage with his friends and their family, Naruto had requested to learn the things they learned at the Academy. So his friends had been asking for an extra set of homework from Iruka. They explained that they have a friend learning to be a Shinobi but he can't come to the Academy due to...reasons...but they had promised to bring similar homework to him from the school. Naturally Iruka was curious but since all they asked was an extra set of the same homework they were given, he didn't mind obliging.

Naruto crawled down from his ceiling and looked through the homework. He wanted to become a Shinobi and even though he's not good with book works, he will try to do his best. His education was still spotty and Sasuke helped explain things to him. For the Uchiha, bringing Naruto his homework was the best excuse to get to know Haruka better.

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