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Yomi sat across the two unique visitor of Naraku's Pass. The boy, the one suspected to have been meshed with his youngest, stood warily before him in a natural threatening pose. At the same time he attempted to shield the human man on his back. The little spiders had whispered to him that the boy, Naruto, had insisted that the human man sit on his back upon arrival. Rather than argue, the man obeyed to his boy's request.

Yomi hummed, "Interesting. Very interesting. You sensed the danger posed to the human and had him sit on your back so that he won't be harmed by things that he cannot see. Why?"

Naruto frowned, "He's my Tou-san,"

Yomi clicked his fangs, "I see. Your human side, the man's son, is the dominant mind,"

The man tensed, "What?"

Yomi hissed, "How do you not know? My son, my little boy, still exist inside this abomination of man and spider!"

Naruto flinched, backing away while remained in the threatening pose. Yomi can scent the confusion that boy and man emitted. The man suddenly climbed down. Naruto panicked, "Tou-san!"

The man gestured at the boy with a calming gesture, even sending a soft smile. Yomi scented no deceit. But Shinobi was a race of deceit, it was how they live, it was how they survived. Yomi will not be tricked. The man walked closer towards Yomi fearlessly. The Spider Boss scented Toads from the man and clicked his fangs, "So...you are the one the Toads were talking about,"

The man, clearly a rare Toad Sage, bowed, "My name is Namikaze Minato, Yondaime Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato. I am here with no hostile intention,"

Yomi hissed, "You are that Toad Sage that Mount Myoboku had been so proud of. Unlike the one before, you are capable of a perfect Sage Mode," He twitched his pedipalps, "Show me,"

Minato stared at him before nodding and settling down, showing complete confidence and trusting the Spiders to not attack him. He closed his eyes and breathed. Naruto walked closer, his whole body twitching from every little sounds around him, understandably skittish. They were completely outnumbered after all and the Spiders, though not as notorious as the Snakes, have certain reputation that they purposefully inflate and spread to the rest of the world.

Almost a minute passed and Yomi hummed as a perfect Toad Sage sat before him. The other Spiders backed away, aware of the threat in the middle of the arena. Minato stood up, "I mean you and your kin no harm," He then continued, "You said that your child still exist...inside Naruto. Is there a way that the two can be separated without killing either party?"

Yomi was surprised that the man would ask such a thing. He had half expected for the man to ask that he be allowed to keep Naruto. The other half expected for the man to abandoned his son to the Spiders. But it was a foolish thought. From the reports from the spiderlings, Namikaze Minato is a loyal husband, a devoted father, and a fair leader.

Yomi stared at Naruto and could not see any way his child can survive. His spirit barely exist. His will had almost been completely snuffed out. It was only because Naruto has a gentle soul that his son still exist in a simple way; memories. Naruto has little memories of his son inside. That can only happen if his own child had agreed to merge with the boy. Yomi closed his eyes in grieve.

Spiders were generally an uncaring parents but that only applied to the wild spiders. The Spider of Naraku's Pass have a closer and more nurturing bond with their children. His youngest had always been the soft sort. Yomi theorized that Naruto must have been in a worse state than his child if his son had decided to accept the merging instead of fighting it, which would have ended with both dead.

Yomi shook his pedipalps, "No...there is nothing that can be done,"

Minato paled. Yomi can tell that the man was worried that Yomi would demand for Naruto, having just as much right as the father of the spider side. Yomi chuckled, "Worry not. I will not take him from you. But I will claim him as mine,"

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