Spider And Raccoon

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Gaara stares at the broken and crushed limbs of the traitor, her blood coloring his sands like rubies. He then silently turns away, flying on his sand platform back to Suna. The moon is bright in the night sky when he reaches his home. He notice the Shinobi sniffing around and lands beside Baki, "What is happening?"

Baki knows that Gaara will do as asked so he told him, "A school teacher had disappeared. Everyone is looking for her now,"

Gaara slowly blinks before opening his mouth, "She is dead. I noticed her sneaking out with two unknowns and I had followed her. I did not inform anyone due to their swift movements. They went quite far from the village before talking about 'shipment' and cost. She had planned to return and bring along the names of the people she mentioned. I realized what was happening and tried to apprehend them. However, they are skilled and refused to cooperate with my request so I have no choice but use force,"

Baki stares at him, noticing the slight tears in his clothes where kunai had whizzed past, unable to penetrate past his sand armor, before nodding, "You need to come in for testament,"

Gaara nods, "Understood,"

On the way to the T & I Building, Gaara notice the silvery spider nest over a familiar hotel. That must be Naruto's nest. He asks, "Are the Shinobi from Konoha being detained?"

Baki shakes his head, "We only noticed the missing teacher because the children decided to use the spider as a jungle gym," At Gaara's confused stare, he explains what had happened and how Temari decided to take quick action of returning the children to their parents due to the wrongness of the situation. The two that had accompanied the unwatched children until Temari's arrival were Hyuuga Hinata and Uzumaki Naruto. Apparently, the girl had decided to interfere when two of the bigger children decided to fight and had broken up the two. That was when they noticed Naruto and decided to play with him. Upon discovery by Temari, Naruto was alone with the children using him as a shade and a bed both. Hinata had then informed Temari that she could not find the teacher anywhere.

They had not been alarmed by the oddness of the situation because they are unfamiliar with how Suna do things but had stayed with the children because of the children's curiosity towards Naruto. But they did note that it was strange that no one was watching the children playing and that the bell did not ring when it supposed to. Instead they had stayed hoping that someone will pick the children up before leaving out of a sense of duty.

After Gaara finished telling Baki everything he know and heard from the now dead teacher, he went out. He noticed Naruto sitting on the roof just outside his nest surrounded by thick quilts made of silk, looking at the moon. Landing on the hotel's roof, he asks, "Does he get mad when it's full moon too?"

Naruto's fur bristles for a moment before flattening down upon recognizing Gaara. Perhaps a sign of his shock. He greets the red head, "Hi. Can't sleep?"

Gaara monotonously replies, "I do not sleep,"

Naruto hums, "I don't really sleep either. Only at home in my real nest," He then looks at Gaara, "What was it that you asked me?"

Gaara repeats, "Does he get mad when it's full moon too?"

Naruto hums, the seal on his back glowing slightly. He chuckles, "He told me to mind my own business,"

Gaara looks at him, "Do you talk to him often?"

Naruto nods, "I want to be friend!" He winces, "But Kyuubi-san hates it whenever I bring it up. What about you? Are you friends with Shukaku?"

Gaara shakes his head, "No," He frowns, "Mother...wants blood..."

Naruto tilts his head, "Why?"

Gaara looks at him, "What do you mean why?"

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