Arc 4- Chapter 9

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"Pass this information to <Prince Callom> in your kidnapper's disguise. Do not let him figure out your identity." I instructed Alfred before sending him off.

'Now I should probably start spreading rumours on how Lisa is investigating the identities of elves and demons to expose them online.'

[How did you know that is what she was planning, Star?]

'Wait really? She was planning to do that?' I gasped exaggeratedly, feigning surprise.


{#My host can be very annoying#}

I laughed at his silence, 'I'm just kidding. Of course I knew that. What else would she need that information for? After all, we know she despises them. She wants petty revenge by making them lose their anonymity online.'

[Isn't that technically a crime? Stalking, breach of privacy, and some other stuff?]

'Of course. But like I said before; one track mind.' I leaned on the tree, eating some more of the snacks Alfred gave me.

[... That is true]

'I suppose in the original storyline she was going to expose them all but stopped after realising Malcolm would give her more benefits than wasting that on a petty revenge... or was it all a sick and twisted play of having the heart of someone you think used to look down on you?' I mused.

[...Or maybe she still did it but in a more secretive way and it wasn't mentioned in the plot]

'Oh? Did she?'


'Oh come on, why are you pulling my legs? I didn't expect you to come up with a conspiracy theory and then not confirm it'

[I guess I learned from the best]


[Of course not] His retort was immediate as he rolled his eyes.

I stumbled back, putting my hand on my chest as though I was hit in the heart. 'Ouch! That hurts my feelings, Little que~'


{Tsk. Your dramatic acts do not faze me}

I laughed, walking back to the mansion with a gamified version of little que on my shoulder. 

Once I got there, I could immediately spot the little changes around the place: Alfred's little renovations.

'I wonder how Alfred's doing.' I was brought out of my thoughts as I heard the doorbell ring.


*Alfred/X's Pov*

I sat on a tree near the mansion, looking at Starfire's idle character. 'Did she forget to log out? She suddenly spaced off there.'

[Should I help you deliver the message Star asked you to?] System 002 asked, looking up at me from the ground.

I shook my head and smirked, spinning the orb in my hand. "No need. I should enjoy my punishment to the fullest~"

[What is inside that, Master?] She asked, looking at the orb in my hand curiously.

"Just something interesting our little star managed to wriggle out of the busy female lead," I replied amused.

She seemed to be unsatisfied with the answer but didn't ask for more information.

I jumped down from the tree, walking away from the mansion as System 002 followed quietly.

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