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Miranda POV:

RING! Class we have a new student, say hello to Harry Styles. Oh great a new kid he's probably going to be ugly and a know it all. I look up to see who the new kid was. My eyes widened he was HOT! His luscious locks and his green eyes. He was perfect. Okay Harry um you can sit next to Miranda, Miranda raise your hand so Harry knows who you are I was blushing i did not want him to see the scars and bruises on my arm so I raised my other hand which was with less scars and bruises . His eyes looked straight in to mine and smiled. Harry you may sit now. Oh uh yeah sorry. He said in his deep slow British accent. He sat next to me and looked at me and smiled. I smiled back. But no way he would like a girl like me. I mean look at me I'm Ugly and because of all the scars and bruises my parents give me when I come home from school. Every day I'm scared to go home. I try to sneak in but somehow my parents find me and when they do it's scary. They throw me on the couch and my dad holds me down and my mom puts tape over mouth and she punches me. Then when that's over they throw me into my room tied up and lock it. But I always get out of it some how i don't know how but I do. Anyway I don't think Harry would even like me because I'm ugly and my parents are just messed up. But the weird thing is I don't even look like any of them I mean I'm not like my parents at all and I have no traits from them. Wait an minute..... Are they my parents??!!

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