Painful & Lifeless

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Eleanor POV: what do I do? I called the ambulance and everything they said they'd be here right away but it's been freaking three minutes! Where the hell are they??!

"Miranda can you here me?" I asked frantically tears spilling out of my eyes.

"MIRANDA ANSWER ME!" I yelled. Just then the EMT people showed up following with a couple of police men.
They were examining her body...her helpless lifeless body.
The police men asked me a couple of questions about what had happened. I did talk but it was so hard to...I can't forget what I saw and I don't think I ever will. It's just to painful to talk or even think about. I was in the room listening to music when she had done it. I don't know why though. One minute she called Harry the next she laid on the floor lifeless.
"Okay that's all I need thank you Miss Calder."

"Wait- can I come? I want to be with her the whole time." I asked my eyes filled with hope.

He thought about it and nodded his head yes. I quickly ran outside and into the ambulance and sat next to Miranda. Tears escaped my eyes every time I looked at her.

"Miss please move back we have to run some tests." One of the guys said. I did as I was told but I kept my eyes on them.
They were putting all these wires and stuff on her. My stomach churned and I didn't feel well at all.

"Miss.Calder um Miranda is fine she is breathing now but she may not wake up for a couple of days."

"Is she in a coma?" I asked nervously still holding my stomach.

"No nothing serious like that. But she will be fine. Um do you know why she has these on her arms?"

The man lifted up her sleeves and I gasped. I couldn't believe what I'm seeing right now.
Rows of cuts on her arms...she never cut before.
"Uhm-uh well she was bullied by her step-parents but they're uh dead now." I nervously said.

"Oh okay. Then they did this to her?"

"Maybe I think. She has never cut in her life...."

"Okay thank you Miss.Calder." The man said before going back to Miranda.

I sat back in the ambulance starring at the ceiling.
Was there something she wasn't telling me? Has she always done this? Just then my phone rang. I look at the caller ID and see its Louis. I shakily answered it.

"H-Hi Louis."

"El? Are you okay? Is Miranda okay?"

"Yeah I'm for M."

"What happened?!"

"Lou it's to painful to tell. I will start to cry if I tell it."

"What did she do?!"

"Louis I told you. It's to painful to talk about." I said sternly feeling tears prickle in my eyes.

"Babe I know it's hard but Harry is in his bed sobbing and we don't know what to do just tell you where you and her are."

I bit my lip and sighed.



Hi my loves! OMG 3K reads?!!!?!! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCHHHH!
So as I promised I did update Monday :P I hope you like this chapter. It's really sad tho 😭
What's up with Miranda? What happened to her? You'll find out soon ;) for now I left u on a cliff hanger😜 sorry these chapters are SO short I promise I'll do longer ones next time!!
Haha see you later thanks again!! xx



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