Dreaming sucks

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Miranda's POV:

My eyes shot open and I sprang up. I felt the sweat trickling down my face as I panted like a dog. I looked around my dark room frantically. He had the same exact dream as me, what did this mean? Does it mean we're not right for each other? Is this trying to tell us we need to break-up? I began worrying so I snatched my phone from my wooden night stand and called him. I looked at the time 4:30...okay so five hours ahead so... 9:30 okay good.
After three rings I heard his raspy voice.



"Miranda are you okay? Have you been crying babe?" He asked nervously.

"Y-Yeah Harry I-I had the same dream as you..."

It was silent. I looked at the phone screen and it was still going.


"It was the one with us breaking up wasn't it?"

I sighed "Yeah....what does this mean?"

"I don't know babe. But we're going to stay together I promise."

I could imagine him pacing around the room and his hand going through his beautiful curls every second. I smiled at the thought but my smile soon faded when I came back into reality.

"I want to stay together too. But I just feel like something's telling us to-"

"No nothing is telling us M nothing." He said sternly, which made me jump a little.

"Sorry I just don't want to loose you...."

"And I don't want to loose you Haz."

"Good. I can't loose my everything."

I smiled "Aww! Your so damn sexy!"

He laughed "Well you're so damn beautiful!"

"Good combination then..."

"Yeah...I'm sorry but I have to go princess I talk to you later yeah?"

"Yeah and thank you Harry for helping me."

"Your welcome and get some sleep! Love you."

"I-I love you too Hazza."

He hung up and I sighed falling into my pillow again. I couldn't fall asleep, not with this whole situation on my mind. I still feel like that the dreams are telling us something. Nothing feels right anymore. I miss him a lot, and maybe the feeling that I have is that he's away? Maybe? Hopefully it is, but if it's not then it's a sign that we should break up....
I shook my head no. "I'm not going to break my dads promise..." I whispered to myself. I looked over at the clock and see it's 5:00. Ehh I guess I can try to sleep. I closed my eyes and I did fall asleep thankfully.

In the morning I hear the door slam shut. I flutter my eyes open to reveal arms around me. Wait what? I trail up the muscular arms to see who they are attached to. I stiffened up but quickly filled with excitement!
"Harry!" I yelled a little too loud. He woke up and smiled "Oh hey beautiful." I kissed him passionately. "When did you get here?!"
"When I was talking to you. I just had gotten off the plane." He said in his raspy morning voice.
"Oh my god! I missed you!!" I kissed him again and I could feel the smile on his lips.
"I love you Miranda." We pulled away and our foreheads touched.
"No matter what we will always be together okay?"
I nodded and intertwined our fingers.
"I won't break your dad's promise."
"I know you won't."

We stayed like this for a little while before we went downstairs and got something to eat. As we walked I saw Lou and El on the couch together and as Louis saw me a smile spread across his face.
"MANDY!" Eleanor fell off the couch scared shitless.
"Oh shit! Sorry El!" He picked her up bridal style, made sure she was okay and kissed her. Aww!! But I soon felt a pair of arms wrap around me tightly and saw the room spinning.
"Mandy! I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too Lou! It's been awhile!" I laughed as he put me down.
"El are you okay?"

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