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Miranda POV:

I flutter my eyes open and look to see where I am. I look around and see I'm in the hospital. "OWWWW!" I screamed as I was trying to sit up. I look at my arms. I gasped. I had second degree burns. But how? I just blacked out I don't remember. The nurse came in. "Hey you finally woke up!" "Uh y-yeah, what happened?" "Oh you poor thing! You got thrown into a fire and luckily someone pulled you out before you really got hurt." "Oh um o-okay thankyou." "No problem honey! Do you arms hurt?" "Yeah a lot." "Okay I'm going to rub lotion on it to make it hurt less." The nurse said. "Okay thank you." "Your welcome but your going to have to stay here for 2 more days then you can go back to school." "Okay." I mumbled. The nurse left the room and I layed back in my hospital bed. There was a note beside me. It read

Dear Miranda,

We are so sorry for leaving you when you were little. We had to put you in an orphanage. I'm sorry we had a small house and we didn't have the money to take care of you. When we heard you were with a new family we were so excited. Until we heard what they were doing to you. We tried hunting them Down or tracing the location. Nothing worked. But finally we found you to come save you. Your REAL father pulled you out of the fire. Your fake father..... Well we will talk about that later but I just wanted to let you know we love you very much and were sorry for leaving you. We have the money now and got a house close to your school. Again we are very sorry and I know you may hate us a lot but we love you. Also we got you a new phone so you can text is when your coming home. We can't wait to meet you!!!


Mom and Dad

Oh my god........... These are my real parents. I look at the note and start to cry. I couldn't believe they came back for me. I felt so loved. The nurse came back in and rubbed the lotion on my arms. It hurt so bad but it did help the pain. When she was done she gave me something to eat and drink. I take my new IPhone 5 tht my parents got me and text my mom. I was so nervous I didn't know what to say. I finally knew.

Me: hi mom it's Miranda.

(2minutes later)

Mom: hi! Honey how are you feeling?

Me: a little better I'm leaving in two days.

Mom: great news! Can't wait to see you! Are you mad at us?

Me: no I'm not I mean you were in a crisis at the time and you wanted to do what was best for me. But it didnt turn out so well. But now I feel like I'm loved when I read that letter.

Mom: aww thankyou honey! Now get some rest and we will pick you up in two days.

Me: okay.

Mom: love you.

Me: love you to mom.

Wow I just had a great conversation with my real mother. I couldn't wait to see them! I was really nervous I mean who wouldn't be... Meeting your birth parents after not seeing them for 11 years......

Harry POV:

I woke up and looked around I saw my mum sleeping on the chair. "Mum?" I croaked. She fluttered her eyes open and smiled. "Harry! Oh my god you're okay!" She gave me a bone crushing hug. "Mum c-cant b-breathe." "Oh sorry honey." "It's okay." "So how did this all start with you in the hospital on your first day of school??!!" My mother screamed. "Well I met this new girl Miranda in school and she is beautiful and she got a black eye from the mean girls in school because she is doing a project with me. By the way the mean girls like me. But anyway they were about to punch her again an I took the punch for her. And that's how I got here and got this eye." "Oh my poor baby! But you are so sweet for doing that for her!" "Yeah but she's in here." "Who is?" "Miranda." "She's in the hospital?" "Yes mum I tried to get to her yesterday but they were pulling me back and I kissed her on the cheek and prayed that she would be okay." Tears were welling up in my eyes. My mom gave me a hug and I was crying in her arms. "Is she going to be okay mum?" "Yes she will." After that my mom left because she had to go back on her Business trip in Australia. She gave me a kiss on the cheek and a hug and drove me home and left. "Don't go back to the hospital to go for Miranda." My mum told me. " I won't." As I see her car go around the block I grab my phone and a bag and ran off to the hospital to go find my love. "I need her, she has changed my life forever I don't know what I would do without her." I whisperd to myself.

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