A+ what?

281 5 1

Authors Note:



Harry POV:

I couldn't believe it. We just kissed! As we unlocked my lips from hers we both smiled at each other. I mean just laying looking up at the stars and everything and looking into her beautiful brown eyes, I mean how could you not want to kiss her! But now one thing was going through my mind.....are we still friends or more?

Miranda POV:

We.Just.Kissed.OH.MY.GOSH! It was awesome!!!! My first kiss! "Wow!" I said breaking the silence. "That was good" Harry said. "Really good!" Harry stopped the camera and we both layed down and looked at the stars some more. Harry had his arm around me and I was snuggled up in his chest. "So are we..... Friends or....." Harry said. "I don't know I was wondering the same thing." "Well do you want to go out?" I didn't answer for a minute and thought..... I mean I really want to but is it going to ruin our friendship? Are we going to not talk anymore if we break up? Never see each other again? But besides the bad things I thought of good things like always being with him, cuddling, he would always protect me, walk and hold hands. I finally looked up and said....."yes...." "Yes you will?'' Harry said with a big grin. "Yes Harry I will go out with you!" He gave me a bone crushing hug until I could barely breathe. He let go and we layed back and looked at the stars he gave me a kiss on the cheek and I snuggled up in his chest. He started playin with my hair and I fell asleep.


"MIRANDA WAKE UP!" Harry yelled. I jumped up and almost peed my self. "Oh my gosh Harry what?" "It's 7:45 we slept outside and school is starting at 8!" "Okay you burn the tape and ill go get dressed." I said. He agreed and we both ran inside the house. I tore up my closet and put a random outfit on and put perfume on so I smelled good. I run into the room Harrys in and he got the DVD and we ran out the door to school. "Time?" Harry yelled. "It's 7:55!" "Oh no!" We finally got to the school went to our lockers and got our books and got one second in the classroom before the bell. Pheww! We made it! Harry and I sat down in our seats and waited for the teacher.

"Hello class do we all have our documentarys?" "Yes!" "Great!" We looked at all the documentarys and they were all really good! "Okay last but not least Harry and Miranda." Harry went up gave the cd to our teacher and pressed play. The video looked great! Here comes the ending part! As I saw what the ending part was I gasped. I was wide eyed i looked at Harry and his mouth was open....... We forgot to turn off the video camera when we kissed.........

The whole class was starring at us. My cheeks were bright red. "Well Miranda and Harry your documentary was AMAZING!" I was confused i thought he was going to give us an F. "Wait what?" "Your video was amazing the kiss at the end was just spectacular!" "That's what I was looking for something that has a spark and that was it! You guys get an A+!!!!" Harry and I were still confused. I thought we were going to get like detention or something like that but I guess not. RING! "Okay class see you on Tuesday." Harry and I walked out of class holding hands and soon enough the word around the school was Harry and I were dating and the Mean Girls were expelled! Which made me so Happy! At the end of the day we went our separate ways and walked home. I went inside my house and I saw a note. I picked it up and it read

Dear Miranda,

I'm sorry you had a terrible life. I feel terrible and I can't really write a long paragraph but I got a little time. I'm so sorry for being mean all these years the truth is your father made me like this to torture

You everyday and I shouldn't of listened but you were a beautiful singer and beautiful girl. I miss you so much I hope your real parents are good to you!



Oh....my....gosh......my fake mom actually loved me.......


Hey loveys!! I hope you liked this chapter!!!! Can u get me to 130 reads?!??! I would love that!!!!! Thank you again for the 114 reads I was

Freaking out!

Love you guys xx

~Gillian Styles <3

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