Knowing and loosing

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Louis POV:

My jaw dropped to the floor and the phone fell out of my hands....this can't be not again. I quickly pick up the phone and dash out into the hallway so Harry can't hear me.
"Wait....ambulance?! Why the he-"
"Louis....babe calm down she's going to be fine but she's not going to wake up for a couple of days."

"B-But why? Why would she do this she told me she wouldn't do it anymore!" That's when my eyes went wide and covered my mouth.
"What did you just say?" El said surprised.
"Uh-uhm-we-uhm..." I was choking on my words she promised me not to tell anyone and I broke it.

"Louis William Tomlinson tell me what happened to her or else were done." She said sternly. My heart sunk....I can't loose her or M....

I sighed heavily and began to speak.

"Well- what might have uhm happened was.....she might have passed out...."

"But that wouldn't make her not wake up for i don't know like a week!" She practically yelled.

"Alright alright calm down....she
hasn't been eating Eleanor."

"W-What? W-Why?"

"Well ever since you know who left she has been depressed....I know Harry got her that star and everything but I guess that didn't stop her."

"Wait when did you two talk about this- wait most importantly why didn't you tell me?" She said with a little sass in her voice.

"Okay so first yes we talked about it.....two weeks ago, then I told her to skype me and I wanted to see if she was eating and she was. Then she said she wasn't going to do it anymore. And I'm sorry I didn't tell you please don't break up with me." Wow that was a mouthful and a lot of pain to tell. It was silent for a minute then I broke the silence by saying
"Babe? You there?"

"I gotta go were here I'll let you know how things go."

"Wait what do I te-" I heard the beep sound that she hung up.
"Tell Harry..." I whispered to myself. What should I tell him? He's my best mate! I can't lie to his face. It's like slapping a puppy. I can't do that.....but what choice is there?
Think Louis....Think!

"L-Louis?" I hear someone say behind me. I stiffen and turn around to see a red-eyed/ nosed curly haired boy.
Oh no.

Eleanor POV:

"Is she going to be okay?!" I kept asking the doctor when they finally let me in. I told her I was her sister but her last name got changed.... fooling doctors....easy.

"Yes Mrs.Calder she will be can I um talk to you in the hall for a sec?"

"Yes sure." I said and carefully walked out of her room and went face to face with the doctor.

"Okay so she has not been eating....or drinking do you know why?"
I bit my lip and shook my head yes.
"Okay I'll be right back stay here."
The man in the white coat walked off and I looked into the hospital room and see her, the monitor still running. At least she's breathing...

"Miss Calder?" A tall man asked me.
"Y-Yes who are you?" I asked politely.
"Officer Dan Police officer that is. May I talk to you about Miranda?"

I shook my head yes and we stepped into her room.

"Okay so I heard she hasn't been eating or drinking is that correct?"

"Yes it's t-true."

"So why hasn't she?"

"W-Well my boyfriend and his friends went on tour. And my boyfriends friend is her boyfriend. And when he left she wouldn't eat or drink I guess....I've been with her the whole time and she has been eating but I guess when I turn around she dumps her food."

"Okay okay uhm now onto more serious business." He said lifting up her sleeve revealing all the scars.
"Do you know why she has these?"

"W-Well her not real parents did abuse her when she was little...but they're dead now."

"Okay but see these three? They're new..."
I look closely and he was right.

"How would you know though?"

"Well you see she didn't do this when her parents abused her so she must have done this recently."

"But she has never done any of this in her life. I'm her best....sister and I know she wouldn't do that." Nice save El nice.

"I'm sorry Mrs.Calder she must have."

"But they're were no objects by her when they came to get her....they searched and searched but they didn't find anything."

"What was she doing when you saw her like this?"

"Uhm she was talking to her boyfriend."

"So you were in the room with her?"

"Yes sir I was."

For about a half-hour I was explaining the whole situation and then it was finally done.

"Well thank you Mrs.Calder the doctor will now tell you more about her condition."

"Thank you officer."

He gave me a sweet smile and I did so back and he left. And just a second or two later the doctor came in.

"Okay Mrs.Calder Miranda will be absolutely fine! And she will wake up by tomorrow morning!" The doctor said cheerfully. I sighed of relief and he patted me on the back and left until the officer came back in.

"Oh Mrs.Calder one more thing...... this might be upsetting to you but here we found this where Miranda was sitting when it all happened."

It was a folded paper covered in I think tears. I look up at him and he nods signaling me to open it.
I unfolded the paper and when I read the top of the paper I gasped.

No this cannot happen....she has so many terrible things happening right now.

"No no no no!" I shouted tears streaming down my face.
I fell to the floor and cried my eyes out.....who would do such a thing?


Hey Loves! Ik I was supposed to update yesterday but I'm on break so I lost track lol sorry! And I'm so sorry these next two chapters are going to be sad but they will be happy ones later on !!

Now here's a special message from me:

If your suffering from anorexia or your self harming in anyway, please stop. I can't see you hurt yourself. I know all of you girls and boys out there are so strong and you can fight through anything, so please stop doing this to yourself....if you need someone to talk to I'm always here and you can Instagram me at
@narryisbeautiful and I will give you my kik. Please I don't want to see you get hurt or be depressed. Trust me life gets better. You just have to believe and make it better. Everyone is here for you....I'm here for you. I love you all so much please please. Your skin isn't paper so don't cut it. What I'm trying to say is I love you all and I can't see anyone of you get hurt.
Love you stay strong I know you can xx


Happy New Years Eve Btw🎉💘

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