Ill always be there now ;)

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Miranda POV:

"El!! When is he going to call?!" I asked her anxiously.

"In a little while god M your so nervous."

I looked at her in confusion like how can you not be?

"Aren't you nervous El? What if they didn't make it?"

"Yeah I am but if they do then bye bye us."

"What do you mean bye bye us?"

She bit her lip and looked around my room. She was stalling I could tell.

"El? Hello? Tell me!"

"I don't know if you want to hear it."

"Just tell me." I said in a stern tone.

"Well, it's just if and when they do become famous they won't be around as much...."

"Yeah I know they'll be on tour."

"Okay yes but look Miranda can't you see that one day that maybe we can't handle them being away so much that we ha-"

"Don't say it." I warned her giving her the death stare.

"I'm sorry Miranda but maybe it will hap-"

"I said don't say it." I said grabbing my crutches and hopping to get my computer.

"Look I know you're probably sad or mad or whatever but maybe it won't happen all I'm saying is there is a chance but that's not always the case. But it usually hap-"

"Eleanor please can we get off this subject." I said in a rude tone and sat back down on the bed.

When I looked up she had an apologetic look on her face. I nodded my head and sat back down on my comfy purple bed spread waiting for Haz to call me.
An hour went by and not a single word was spoken between me and Eleanor. She was looking on her computer and I was doing the same. I clicked on the Skype icon and saw that Harry was online. My eyes widened and a smile appeared on my face as I eagerly tapped the call button. Eleanor's face shot right up her long curly hair in her face. I nodded my head and she ran to my bed and plopped down. The screen went from black to a beautiful green eyed boy!

"HARRY!" I screamed brushing the hair out of my face.

"Hi love how are you?"

"I'm okay I guess! Did you ge- wait are you crying?! Did you not get in oh my god what happened?!" I asked frantically. Eleanor put her hand on my shoulder and told me to tone it down a little.

"Sorry....just worried ya know?" I told her giving her a weak smile.

"Really didn't notice!" She said sarcastically. I laughed and rolled my eyes and put my attention to Harry who was smiling wide.

"Haha it's okay. But....YES WE DID WE DID AS A BAND WE DID!" He screamed and started to spin around in his swivel chair. El and I looked each other both smiling and hugging. A tear escaped from my eye. I was so happy they got in! wait...did he say as a band?

"A band?" I asked confused.

"Yes! Ok lemme tell you the whole story!" He exclaimed practically jumping.

"Okay curly one sec lemme get dressed and comfy so I can hear all about your amazing day." I say smiling.
He nodded his head and El quickly tok my spot and asked for Lou. I rolled my eyes and laughed at her childishness. (AN:If that's even a word haha!) I grabbed my crutches and got my pjs and went inside my bathroom and got changed and did everything else and put my hair in a messy bun. I walked out seeing Eleanor sticking her tounge out at Louis and him fake crying callin her a meanie. I gave her a weird look and she was embarrassed I could tell by the redness of her cheeks.

"Okayyyy then."

"CRIPPLED MANDY COME HERE!" Louis said his whole face filling the screen.

"New name I see." I say crossing my arms.

He flipped his hair an gave me I guess a seducing face.
"Ya know it baby." He said in his deep voice.
Me and Eleanor fell to the floor laughing so hard! He was laughing too I could tell.

"Lou you just made my day!" I said in between lauging.

I finally stood up and saw Louis wasn't there anymore.
"Louis? You there?"
Nothing but silence.
"Louis stop scaring me I know you're there."
Still there was nothing. I was getting a little freaked out so I went to end the call when a blonde boy came into view.
"AHH!" I screamed my heart legit in my throat and I couldn't breathe.

"Oh shit sorry M!" Niall said while I was trying to catch my breath.

"It's its okay you just scared the shit out of me and I almost died. No biggie." I said sarcastically.

"Oh whatever. You wanna talk to your boyfriend or?" He said raising an eye brow.

"Umm yeah if I could please."

"Alright alright where is that curly boy?" He said scoping out the place.

A few minutes later he found him and we talked all about his wonderful day.

"Wow I can't believe that actually happened!" I exclaimed.

"I know it was like a gift of some sort." He said drawing a gift in mid-air.
Oh lord this child.

"Hey M wanna here a joke."

Oh god not this again.

"I guess yeah."

"Alright knock knock!" He said smiling and laughing his British bum off.
"Okay who's there?"

"Yodel lay he."

"Yodel lay he who?"

"I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD YODEL!" He said and fell of his chair. Shaking my head I slapped myself in the face with my hand. Sometimes I worry about him. Like one day he might become a farmer like seriously no joke.

"Haha." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh my god I think that was my best one yet!"

"Yep sure babe."

"Ok whatever sassy."

"Haha love you."

"Love you too. So whatcha wanna do?"

"I don't know I'm tired tho."

"Then go to bed babe."

"But I don't want to."

"Why not?" He said putting his hand through his curls.

"I'll miss you."

"Aww love Ill miss you too but don't forget wherever you are I am."

"So I'm supposed to sleep with my computer?"

"Haha no! Look outside for me."

Confused I got up out my comfortable fluffy purple bed grab my crutches and went to the window. I hopped to my computer got it and set it on the desk next to it.

"Okay now what?"

"Look up what do you see?"


"Alright look to your right."


"Now do you see that one right next to the moon? Shining bright?"

I squint my eyes and I see what I'm guessing is the star he's referring to.

"I think yeah."

"Okay well we own it."

"What do you mean we own it?" I say looking back at him.

"Here look at this certificate."

He put it up on the screen and it read:

Name and Own your very own Star!

Name: M and Hazza's Star ❤️

Date: 7/21/10

I love you Miranda i hope you like it! -Haz <3

Tears started to form in my eyes as I read the paper. This was the sweetest thing anyone's has ever done for me!

"Harry I love it oh my god thank you so much!"

"Your welcome babe. Now I'll always be with you and you'll always be with me."

"Harry I love you."

"Miranda I love you too."

I was about to kiss him then I realized he's not here.

"Were you about to kiss me?" He says giggling.

"Mayyybee." I say blushing from embarrassment.

"It's okay just kiss me on the screen!"

"Umm alright ready?" I ask him giggling.

"Yep 3..2..1"

I close my eyes and kiss his lips on the screen I look and see he's still kissing so I do to. Then I look and he stopped and so did I. His face was beat red and he was biting his lip quite hard.

"What's wrong babe?"

He points and I turn around and see Eleanor standing there laughing her British bum off and i looked back at Harry and I'm pretty sure both our faces were the same color by now.

"Okay okay shut up El." I say hopping over and helping her up.

"So what happened to Louis?" I asked her changing the subject.

"He had to go he was tired." She said sighing. I gave her a hug and she nodded her head and went on the guest bed.

"Ok babe I think you should get some sleep." Harry said.

"No! I miss you!"

"Love just remember the star okay?"

I bit my lip and nodded my head.

"Okay I'll call you tomorrow I love you beautiful sleep well."

"Nite babe love you too."

He clicked the end button and the whole screen went black.
I got up and hopped to the window starring at our star. It was a beautiful star. I know they look all the same but to me that one looked different. Like it was meant to be for me and him.

"So what's this star he's talkin about." El said wiggling her eye brows and standing next to me.

"Harry got me and him a star."

"Awwww! That's so sweet!!!" Eleanor cooed as she put her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah I know he's one of a kind."
I said smiling at her and back at the star.

"Yep so is Lou."

"Yeah he is. I think you two are REALLY cute together! Just oh my god ADORABLE!" I say looking at her.

"Thanks Miranda!"

"Okay well I'm tired so I'm gonna head to bed nite sis." El said hugging me I hugged her back.

"Nite sis." I said and just before I walked away I looked at the star and whispered "I love you Harry."

I then hopped to my bed got under the covers and went to sleep dreaming about my beautiful boyfriend.

Hey loves!! OMG 2.8K READS!! THANK YOU ILYSM!! FANGIRLING😍 sorry I don't update as much but that's all gonna change!
Okay so here it is
I am now going to make a deal with you and update every single Monday!
Now the chapters maybe shorter but I maybe able to post about 2 chapters or more. But idk but I promise I will be doing that!
As for my other books I will let you know ;)
But I hope you like this chapter btw!! Their star aww!!
Anyway I love you all thanks again and see ya later ✌️💕😘


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