Shh its a secret

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Miranda POV:

"Miranda please don't touch my journal." He said calmly. I was waiting for yelling veins popping out of his head me crying. But none of that.

"That's all?" I asked confused.

"Yeah....what else?"

"No it's just....never mind."

"No. Tell me. What were you expecting?"

"Well I thought you were going to yell at me. The way you slammed our plates on my dresser seemed like you were mad."

"I'm not mad. Just disappointed."

"Why are you disappointed?" I scoffed.

"Oh I don't know maybe you went through my stuff with out asking?" He scoffed back.

"Well I'm sorry I didn't mean to geeze."

"Whatever. Here let's eat."

He sat down next to me. Both of us watching the Big Bang Theory. Harry had no idea what this show was.

"So I think Sheldon has the identic memory?" He asked.

"Yes and Penny the blonde girl and that short guy with the glasses he's Leonard and they're dating."

"Oh okay."

After that it was silent. No cuddling or leaning against one another just silence. I didn't like it. I know he was "disappointed" but I mean were in a relationship don't we need to ya know not keep secrets from each other?


"Yeah?" He said not taking his eyes off the tv.

"Can we talk?"

No response. His eyes still glued to the tv. Annoyance written all over his face.

I got the remote and turned the tv off.

"Harry? Hello?" I said aggravated.

"Yes?" He said sternly.

"I'm trying to talk to you and you can't take your eyes off the tv for two seconds?" I said raising my voice a little.

"Well I am now aren't I?" He spat back.

Anger boiled inside of me. I clenched my fists.

"Look Harry I'm sorry...I didn't mean to go through your journal."

"It's okay. Just please don't ever do it again okay?" He said walking up and putting hands on my waist

I look down at the ground not saying a word.

"I'm sorry for being a duche. Forgive me?" He said and I looked up seeing his cheeky smile.

I smiled and nodded. I hugged him and he held me close to him. I just wanted to stay like this....forever.



"Please don't look in my journal okay baby doll?"

I thought for a minute. What's in that journal that he doesn't want me to see?

"Miranda please?" He said pulling away holding my hands now.

"Yeah....I promise."

"Thank you. Now let's go take a walk okay?"

I nodded my head and followed him out my door. Walking out into the summer air a cool breeze flowing through my hair. I looked up at Harry and he looked down at me. He smiled and stopped me his hands on my waist.

"Why did we stop?" I asked softly.

"I don't know....I just-"

"Just what?"

He thought for a minute them smiled.

"Come with me." He says grabbing my arm pulling me back to my house.

"Harry where are we-"

"Trust me?" He said in his deep voice still running.

"Yes." I said and we got into his car and drove off.

"Can you tell me?!" I pleaded.

"Nope. It's a surprise!" He said in a high voice.

I eyed him and he smirked.

Then after eyeing him for about ten minutes we finally stop.

"Where are we?" I asked getting out of the car. I looked around and see a beautiful lake surrounded by trees.

"You like it?"

"Yeah it's beautiful!"

"So when I first came here. I remember it was on a Saturday and I wanted to do some you know exploring and I walked around till I found this place. And everyday after school I'd come here and do homework."

"How come you never told me?"

"Well I wanted to but...."

"But what?"

I say and turn him towards me.

"But I thought you would think I'm weird."

I looked at him confused.

"Wait why would you think I would think you were weird?" I said.

"Well to be honest some girls would think its stupid to have your own hide out and then they tell you you're a wuss and they break up with you and don't even tell you why they left." He said his voice cracking at the end.
He sighed and sat down on the deck his feet hitting the lake.
I walked over and sat down beside him.
"I just wish....people would like me for me." He said a tear rolling down his cheek.
I grabbed his hand and ran my thumb on the top of his hand. He looked at me and I wiped the tears off his soft cheeks.

"I like you for you." I said smiling.

He nodded and faced towards the lake once again.

"Harry look I know I went through your journal when I shouldn't have and I'm sorry. Don't be mad. Please I need you."

He looked at me worriedly but I kept going.

"And now I know you've had girlfriends before me. And I can tell right now you miss her. That one girl. And to be honest Harry i do like you for you. Your so sweet funny caring and so talented. And any girl would be lucky to have you. I'm lucky. But now I don't know if I am because you miss that one girl."
I said tears now streaming down my face. I stared at the ground and smiled for a quick second.
"I thought I finally found someone but was I wrong?"
He lifted up my face and I met his beautiful green eyes. I could smell his cologne. I loved that smell.

"Miranda my beautiful girlfriend I love you with all my heart. I don't care about all the other girls. Because now I know they didn't like me for me even though they told me they did. But they lied. And I can see that you really care. But I care more about loosing you than someone hurting me. Anyone can hurt me or someone can shoot me and I would be glad it's not you. Miranda you mean everything to me and if I ever loose you I....I really wouldn't know what to do with myself. I've loved you ever since the day I laid eyes on you. You were in your seat and the teacher told me to go sit by you and you raised your arm nervously. Then we did a documentary on music together and that's when we shared our first kiss. I swear that moment I knew you were going to be mine forever and always. I love you."

Now I was crying even harder. But not sad tears, happy tears. That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. Harry is one of a kind and I love him so much.

"Harry I-"

"Shh just kiss me." He smirked and I smiled and leaned in and kissed him softly. He wanted an entrance but I didn't let him. He bit my lip and I gasped and that's how he got his entrance. Than things started to get heated.

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