Disaster and Love

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Miranda POV:

Tears are streaming down my face as I was looking at Harry being put on a stretcher being taken to the hospital. This my fault. All my fault if I just took the punch then this would've never happened. I followed Harry to the ambulance but I couldn't go with him because I was too "young". I wanted to curse that guy off so much. As I'm walking home slowly I see three ambulances go by. I was getting curious because they were going down my block. I start running down then someone grab me by my arm and almost ripped it out of my socket. As I turn around I see it was my dad. He picks me up and brings me to the house and I screamed even more now because the ambulance was at my house. My house was on fire. My father threw me into the house. My jacket was on fire and the house was about to fall. I was hyperventilating and then everything was getting hazy and I felt someone pull me out but I don't know who it was. Then it was black.

Harry POV:

I started to wake up. My eye hurt like hell! Damn! Why did it hurt so much? I look around me I was in the hospital. I started to freak out. Then the nurse came in. "Erm excuse me?" "Yes Mr.Styles." Mr.Styles I can get used to this but that isn't the point. "Why am I here?" "Oh well you were at school and I'm guessing someone punched you." "Oh erm okay thanks." "Your welcome you are able to go home tomorrow anytime you want. Also your mother knows about this she is taking an early flight home to come see you." "Okay thankyou.'' "WE NEED TO GIVE THIS GIRL TREATMENT RIGHT AWAY! NOW! GO! GO!" I heard a man scream. Wow I wonder who got hurt so bad. I stand up put my shirt and pants on and follow the people. All these twist and turns were maing me dizzy. They brought the girl into a very large room. All the people were putting tubes and wires on the girl. I couldn't make out the girls face but the only thing I saw was her hair. It looked burnt almost. As the person moved away from her face I gasped and almost fainted. I couldn't believe what I saw. Her skin with 2nd degree burns her face had ashes on it. It was the only girl I truly ever loved.... Miranda......

I tried to open the door but it was locked. I looked at what the people were doing to her. They were putting an oxygen mask on her putting an IV in her arm. I wanted to cry but I couldn't because my eye hurt really bad. I just can't believe that my love is in there. I went to go see if the door was unlocked again but I was stopped by a very tall doctor. "Whoahh... Where do you think your going young man?" "To see my love." "Well she is in terrible condition you can't see her until Thursday." "WHAT??!! BUT I NEED TO SEE HER NOW!!! SHE NEEDS ME!!!" "Sorry no kids aloud." "I'm not a kid I'm 16." (I know he is 19 but he is 16 here). "Well no TEENS aloud." I gave him a dirty look and ran passed him and bust open the door. "MIRANDA!!!" I screamed. As people were trying to catch me I ripped out if their grip. I finally got beside Miranda and someone grabbed me by the wrist. "LET GO OF ME!!!" I shouted. I got free and gave Miranda a kiss on the cheek before they took me away. I was kicking and pulling but nothing worked. I started to cry. Even though my eye hurts this hurts more. They put me back on my hospital bed under supervision. Ughh...... I looked up at the ceiling, "Miranda I love you. You are going to make it I promise." I whisperd to my self. " I promise!" I said one last time and fell asleep.

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