Old friends still have secrets

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Miranda POV:

when i woke up in the morning i looked at my clock and saw it was 7:45.......WAIT 7:45?!?!?!? WE HAVE TO BE IN SCHOOL BY 7:55!

"HARRY WAKE UP!!!" I yelled and threw a pillow at the curly boy.

"What was that for??!!" he yelled.




"who's are these?"

"my brothers clothes."

"you have a brother?"

"uh well no they are mine."

"wait wh-"

i cut him off.

"ill tell you later now get dressed!"

Harry went in the bathroom to get changed and i stayed in my room. i tore up my closet and put on a hipsta please shirt with black jeans and a glitter gray hairband. I brushed my hair and put on some make up.

"what did you just put on?" Harry asked looking concerned.

"uh make up......"


"because i want to look pretty?"

"you are beautiful Miranda theres no need to put make up on i love your original face. i love the one with make up too but i like seeing you with out make up."

"aw thanks boo."

"your welcome. what time is it?"


"LETS GO!" Harry shouted. he grabbed me by the arm and ran down stairs and i grabbed mine and his books and we ran to school.

when we got to school we quickly ran to our lockers and rushed to class.


just made it......

Harry POV:

We were just in time for class......phew!

"okay class im going to take attendance."




"i am today sir!" i said in a weird voice.

everyone laughed and so did i.

"So Mr.Styles where were you yesterday?"

"oh erm...i was uh sick."

"oh okay but you didnt even tell Miranda you were sick?"

"well i would've but i couldnt."

"what do you mean Mr.Styles?"

"well i lost my phone for awhile then Miranda stopped by and she nfound it and gave it to me,"

"oh um alright then.....okay class lets get started."

(end of school)

"so babe you wanna come over and do home work at my flat?" i asked her.

"um sure ill ask."

"so what was with all those boy clothes you had?''

"oh um ill tell you when we were walking...."

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