Youre real?

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An: hey so yeah I'm not going to go into detail with the last part lol. And I'm sorry these chapters are short!!

Harry's POV:

"Well that was fun." I said to M as I fixed my curly hair.

" was." She said smiling fixing her hair as well.

No we didn't have it we just made out....a lot.

"Okay well let's go home." I say and she nods. I take her hand and we walk to the car. Once we get in I turned on the air to cool ourselves down.

"Thank you." She said putting her hand on mine.

"For what?"

"Saying what you said. That was the most sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me."

"Your welcome beautiful." I said and kissed the top of her nose lightly.
She smiled and I drove off.

We walked into her house and we find Lou and El cuddled up on the couch watching tv.

"Hey love birds." M says and they turn their heads and smile.

"Hey where have you two been?" El asked.

"Just out." I said simply and walked over to them.

"Alright then. Do you wanna watch the movie with us? Were watching The Heat."

"OOOO I WANT TO SEE THAT!!!" M yelled and sat down beside El and I sat down next to her chuckling. Louis rolled his eyes and pressed play.

By the end we could barley breathe! That was the funniest movie ever!

"That was awesome!" Louis said in between laughs an we all nod still laughing.

After about ten minutes we all got some more popcorn and played Truth Or Dare.

"Alright Mandy Truth or Dare?" Louis asked her.

"Umm Dare."

"Alright I dare you to....make out with the wall for 40 seconds."

"What ewwww!!!" She whined.

"You gotta do it it's a dare Mandy."

She eyed him and stood up and walked over to the wall.

"Ready set....GO!" Lou yelled and she started to legit make out with the wall.
All of us hysterically laughing! I could tell she was too.
Oh how I wish I was that wall.

"25...26...27-" Louis kept counting slowly.

"Am I done yet?" She asked looking back.

"30...31...c'mon Mandy!"

"UGH!" She said and went back to making out with the wall.


"IM DONE!" She yelled and sat back down.

"You gotta clean your lip marks." El said pointing to the wall.

"Ehh I'll do it later." She shrugged and I pulled her close to me and kissed her on the forehead.

"Alright now Eleanor truth or dare?" M asked.

"Ummm Truth."

"You're no fun."

"At least I didn't make out with a wall."

"Well you have kissed Louis."

He gasped and put his hand against his chest dramatically.

I laughed at her comment and high-fived her.

"You just called me a filthy wall." He said holding back fake tears.

"Well I mean it's not a bad comparison." I said and M laughed and he started to fake cry into El's shoulder. She was laughing and rubbing his back.

"C'mon you know we love you Lou." Miranda said and I nodded. He looked up and forgave us.

"Okay El please pick dare!"

"Ughh fine Dare."

"Yes! Okay I dare you to run around the house for 30 seconds screaming like your gonna be murdered."

"Okay...." She sat up and got in her running position.

M's POV:

"Ready set GO!" I yelled and she began to scream. And to be honest she was really good at it. I mean she wasn't loud or else someone would've called the cops.

"28...29...30 alright El you can stop."

"Thank god. my throat hurts." She said rubbing her throat.

"Aww love come here." Louis said reaching out his arms. She walked over and laid her head on his chest and he kissed her.

"EWWW." Harry and I said at the same time. Eleanor's cheeks turned red and so did Louis's and they laughed.

"Okay on with the game."

It was now 2:00 am and everyone was currently sleeping. On the opposite side Louis and Eleanor were cuddled up on the couch together and they looked adorable! Harry and I were also cuddling his arm rapped around me tightly. I could feel him breathing against my back. I couldn't sleep for some odd reason so I just decided to go get my water bottle from my room. I lift up Harry's Arm trying not to wake him up but he always does. He flutters his eyes open and smiles.

"Hey babe. What time is it?" He says sleepily.

"2 am. I just need water I'll be right back." I whispered and he nodded and let me go. I walked up the stairs to my room and got my water bottle. I looked in the mirror quickly and as I was about to walk away I saw a familiar thing behind me. I looked in the mirror and gasped. I looked behind me but it wasn't there. I looked in the mirror and now the figures were beside me. The two figures touched me. That's when i realized they weren't figures.

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