Why? Why me?

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(Next Day)

Miranda POV:

I woke up to a beeping sound. I scrunched my eyebrows and fluttered my eyes open. I look up to see a white ceiling....where am I?
I sit up and look around. I scope everything out and realize....I'm in the hospital. WHAT?

"MIRANDA!" I hear a voice yell. I look straight at the door and see Eleanor. Oh my god am I glad to see her! She came up to my bed and gave me a long hug.

"Eleanor!! What and how did I-"

"Um M.....I will tell you everything but it might..well it will be depressing..."

"What do you mean?"

"Miranda...what do you want to know first?" She asked me looking sadder then ever. I was really worried now..what could be that sad?

"How did I end up here?"

"Miranda it was because you weren't eating remember? Louis told me that you weren't eating like you should've been."

"Oh. You know?" I said with a guilty feeling inside of me.

"Yeah...but why?"

"I missed Harry....I can't do anything without him!"

"Miranda that doesn't mean you don't eat!"

"El look I know that but I was depressed and I didn't feel like eating or sleeping or drinking."

"You should've told me! We could've worked it out! I mean it was scary what I saw. Did you also cut?"

"Yes." I said and she gasped. I just looked down at the sheets.

"M...why?" She said sympathetically.

"Same reason El...same reason."

"A-Are you sure it wasn't something...you read?" She said holding up a piece of paper.

"Eleanor Jane Calder how and where did you find that?" I said stunned and sternly.

"I-It was g-given to me I-I read it and I-I started to c-cry." She studdered. Tears falling down my cheeks I put my head in my hands.

"I know El I'm sorry I just can't take it in! It happened once but I didn't think it would happen again. This time I actually loved them!" I said sobbing.

"Miranda I know you did. They loved you very very much."

"I just still can't except the fact....that my parents are....dead." I started to sob more and more. Why did this have to happen? Only me? Why does this damn world hate me so much? What did I do wrong?

"Miranda we can leave now. The nurse said your free to go."

I nodded my head and got out of my bed and El tossed me clothes. I walked into the bathroom and changed. I then came out and El and I walked sadly to the front desk and I signed some papers and we left. Tears still running down my cheeks.


"Yeah El?"

"Harry's really worried about you...maybe give him a call?"

I hesitated for a minute...will he yell at me? Hate me? I don't even know but i guess I'll find out One Way Or Another.

I grabbed my iPhone and studied it carefully. My mom and dad got me this when they first met me....and that fight with my dad....I don't think I apologized.....did I?
I scrolled through my contacts and found his name

I clicked on his name and waited for him to pick up.

Louis POV:

"Mate don't be upset!" I said pleading.


"Mate calm down! She's fine!"

"what if shes not? What if s-"

Just then Harry's phone rang. We both looked at each other and he dashed for his phone.


Harry POV:


"Woah. Hey babe."

"Oh thank god you're okay."

"Yeah I'm fine...I guess."

"What do you mean princess?"

"My....my..." She said getting choked up on the other end.

"Love....love...calm down. Breathe in and out." I explained and she did as she was told and she finally spoke again.

"My parents.....died." She said sobbing hard. My eyes bulged out of my head and tear slipped from my eye....oh....my.....god.

"Miranda oh my god.....I'm so so sorry."


"How? If you don't mind me asking?"

"What happened?!" Louis whispered in my ear. I shooed him away and told him I'd tell him later.

"When they were coming home....they hit a storm and lighting s-struck t-the p-plane and and the e-electrical g-got a-all m-mixed up and they f-fell. B-But somehow they g-gave me a n-note explaining the whole t-thing." She stuttered out. I can't believe this happened. And I'm not there to comfort her.

"Harry can I call you later?"

"Yeah sure babe. Get some rest and I'm so sorry. I miss them too. I love you princess I'm sorry I'm not there with you."

"Harry it's okay. I know if you could you would. And thanks again. I'm sure they will know you'll take care of me right." I could imagine her smiling at the end of that sentence.

"And I will. Always. Love you."

"Love you too." She said and hung up.

I went by the boys and they all stood around me shouting questions.

"Lads lads! Calm down and sit down."

They all sat down and had worried looks on their faces.

"well what happened?"

"Her parents....they died."

Everyone was shocked. Niall was now crying and soon everyone else jumped in. This by far was the saddest day of my life....

Hey Lovelys!!!!! Ik this chapter is SOOO SAD😭

Anyway I wanted to thank you for 3.3K READS OMG OMG OMG OMG LOVE YOUUUUUUU

Also I want to say happy early birthday to my BFF Sara❤️
Love youuu like a sister 💘👯 0054

Haha xx anyway hope you like this chapter and I will post next Monday so see ya then lovely people thank you again!!

Love ya xx

~Gill 💋

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