The truth comes out

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Miranda POV:

I wanted to compare the kiss with Harry's kiss.

I still knew what it felt like so when Harry comes over ill just Kiss him and see if I feel the same or different or nothing.

"Babe? You here?" I hear Harry call from downstairs.

"Yes I'm here! Ill come downstairs now!" I yelled back to him.

I left the room and sprinted down the stairs almost falling but I caught myself.

"HARRY!" I screamed and jumped into his arms. It felt good to be in his arms I always felt protected around him like the whole world was perfect.


"Yes love?" He says moving closer to you.

"Kiss me!" I say and before i know it both of our lips were smashed together. I felt sparks and you got these tingles inside of me whenever he kissed me. And it was still the same.

Harry POV:

"Babe? I need to tell you something"

"Sure what's up?"

"Uh well that day when I slept over your house and I had that bad dream I couldn't go back to sleep so I....." I trailed off.

"You what babe?" Miranda said holding my hands and looking at me that special way she does.

"Can we sit down?" I say as my lips start trembling.

"Um okay..."

We say down and I looked at her took a deep breath and continued to talk.

"I walked outside and when I was erm walking I tripped over something....big." I say biting my lip really hard.

"And what did you trip over?"

"Well I got my phone flash light and shined it and the mean girls......they got murderd."

She gasped and she stood up pacing around the room holding her head.

"Miranda it's oka-"

"Harry no its not okay my life is just endless trouble okay? I have the worst life ever."

"No you don't love you had a rough life I know but that's all in the past okay? You didn't let me finish the story."

"I don't want to hear it." She said on the verge of tears.

"But it's just one little thing!"

"Fine finish...."

"Okay there was a note next to them and it said I told you I'm still alive....I don't know who but I wanted to tell you so yeah let's just forget about this."

"Harry? How can I forget about this? My old mother killed them okay I know she did."

"How do you kn-"

"Can we stop talking about this please?" She said in a aggressive tone.

"O-Okay come here love." I said as I put my arms out for a hug.

She ran over to me and hid her face in my chest. I felt her trembling and crying. I felt so bad what can I do to make it up to her?

"Shhh baby it's okay let's haut forget about all this okay?"

"*sniffle* okay *sniffle*"

I cuffed her face in my hands and wiped her tears away.

"C'mon lets go upstairs okay? Get things off our mind?"

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