Paranormal or Crazy?

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Harry's POV:

I tossed and turned on the couch. I need M in my arms to fall asleep. What's taking her so long anyway? It was just water....that she went upstairs for? Odd. I lazily got up out of the covers and walked up the stairs to her room. I heard her talking....i peered into her room and she was talking in the mirror. Was she sleep walking? Talking to herself?

"I...I miss you so much!" She said her voice sounding sad. Almost as if she was crying. I kept looking in the mirror but I didn't see anything. All I saw was her reflection. She kept talking and nodding for about an hour and I still kept looking in and out. Why was she doing this? I didn't want to disturb her. But I'm scared... I don't know what to do. Like what do you do if your girlfriend is talking in a mirror like google wouldn't know.
"Why now?" "Okay." "I will."
"Yeah he's great." "Yep he's been awesome!"
"Okay miss you." "Love you too. Bye." Then she wiped the tears off her face and I ran as quietly down the stairs as possible. And jumped back on the couch and closed my eyes. I felt Miranda squirm back into my arms and I pulled her closely to me kissing her cheek.

"Everything okay love?" I whispered in her ear.

"Y-Yeah everything's great. I got my water." She whispered. She let out a breath and she was out cold.
I closed my eyes and let out a breath as well. And I was out.


The smell of bacon hit my nose and caused me to flutter my eyes open. I realized M wasn't in my arms and Louis and El weren't on the couch. I sat up and looked around. I heard laughter and saw they were eating outside. On a blanket. So a breakfast picnic?
I Stand up and walk outside.

"Hey sleeping beauty." El said and I groaned.

"Here have some eggs and bacon." She handed me a plate with the items and I nodded sitting down next to Lou.

"Apple Juice?" I asked and M handed it to me.

"Thanks babe."

I poured it into my cup and drank it. Oh how I love Apple Juice.

"Sleep well?" I asked M and she nodded her mouth full of food.

"Does anyone know what time we all fell asleep?" El asked and we all looked at M.

"Uhm well you guys crashed around 1 am and Harry and I crashed around 1:30 and I couldn't fall asleep so I got water and came back and finally fell asleep at 3:30."

"Okay then. Very precise." Louis said and she punched him in the arm playfully.

"OWWEE!" He whined.

"Good." M smirked. He gave her the evil eye.

Memory's flood back into my mind to the night before. Miranda was talking to someone in the mirror. Oh crap. Shit no. This cannot be Paranormal Activity. No. No. That crap scares me. Okay now I have to ask her if she's possessed.
I'm officially creeped out.
But I'll do it after breakfast when were alone.

"So you guys wanna go to the beach?" El asked and we all nodded.

"Great! What time?"

"After breakfast?" Louis asked.

"Yeah! That's good!" M said and I cursed in my head. Now how am I gonna get her alone?
Well now I have to go look in her mirror.

"I'll be right back." I said and walked into the house up to her room. Being in here alone creeps me out. I look into her mirror but I see nothing. Zip. Zero. Nothing. I look even harder but nothing at all.

"Harry?" I stiffen and turn around to see M at the foot of the door.

"Oh hey babe." I smiled weakly.

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